The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

Dear John Brennan,

We are not falling for that Mueller in the tailpipe again.

That dog looks awesome.

Just goes to show you the ugliest dog > most beautiful cat


Are dogs popular there?

Seriously, give that dog a half decent groom he would look fine

People have them. Not sure how many dogs are in the country though.

If there was a big enough market, seems like itā€™d be a good business idea. Stand up some servers at a backbone location and offer VDI for poker players.

The Lancet published a study that cat only owners were 63% more likely to be bad parents and 45% less likely to be respected by their own friends than dog only owners.

I donā€™t know but seems science to me. Sorry cat lovers.


Might have missed this or in different threadā€¦

I donā€™t think that is an entirely fair description of Politics and Society.


I was unaware Fox News has an online forum

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my pup pup. first/only dog iā€™ve ever had, couldnā€™t begin to tell yall how much iā€™ve relied on him over the last 4-5 yearsā€¦ heā€™s for real the best.

sage :heart:


Well Iā€™d be banned from all Stars or all WSOP or whatever site I was on. My intent would also be to return to the US if/when it was safe. Plus the risk of confiscation.

Seems like you hear quite a few stories of it.

Iā€™ve been downright unnerved by the number of liberals today saying he looks badass in the mask.

Like Iā€™m afraid heā€™s going to keep wearing it, we flatten off around 100K cases a day and 2K deaths a day, give or take, and half the country weeps for joy because it turns out Daddy does care about us after all and the curve stopped going up, so he cruises to re-election.


Those would probably be banned software, and they can detect whatā€™s running and permaban you for it.

Perhaps the implication is that once heā€™s dictator heā€™ll roll some tanks into Philly and put an end to it.

Which liberals? The post youā€™re replying to shows a bunch of Republicans.

On the other hand:

My friends IRL.

Show them the picture of him with the mask not covering his nose thirty minutes in and ask them
how bad ass he looks there.

I am glad he has chosen to wear a mask only 5 months after all the smart people, because it will help save lives. Anyone giving trump credit though is Lol. Biden wore a mask four months ago for people who want to praise presidential candidates for doing the bear minimum.

I think the GOP suck off of MaskTrump was for a couple of reasons. 1) They want to promote his manliness and virility which they and Trump believed would suffer with a mask. If they say it enough dumb Trump supporters might believe it. 2) They know it is the smart thing to do and will protect people. They have grown tired of constantly defend Trump for being an obvious stooge. 3) It is an opportunity for the lesser sycophants to have trump look down at them while they slob him off and acknowledge them.

I mentioned this before, but people really really want to vote for Trump over Biden imo. A lot of them realize the shitshow on COVID got out of hand, but give them any excuse to jump back on team ā€œtelling it like it isā€ and theyā€™ll get right back on board


I donā€™t think this is true. His approval rating is down near all-time lows. An ABC News/Ipsos poll found approval for his handling of coronavirus at 33% and approval for his handling of race relations, stunningly, down at 32%. Neither issue is going away. The real cultists are only like 30%, maybe 35% of voters.

Your average voter barely pays attention, is incapable of really understanding what is going on and is unfathomably results-oriented. Trump couldnā€™t really do or say anything which would lose him support but things are unmistakably not going well in the US. If the coronavirus had disappeared in the summer months all the morons would have rated Trump as having done well, but it didnā€™t and itā€™s not going anywhere before November. Spin and bluster donā€™t work on something that everyone can see is a real problem, Trump is now required to strike a leadership tone and come up with some real solutions and is totally incapable of doing either.


I hope so, but i think the bar is much lower than you portray here. As failure sinks, it also kinda sets the new expectation levels.
Obviously things can just deteriorate in a way that he canā€™t spin, but then the Republican party will cancel the elections.