The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

This is about getting rid of a fascist with the goal of being a dictator. When she puts herself in the public spotlight, she hurts Biden. Itā€™s that simple. We didnā€™t parade Dukakis around after he lost.

If we lose we can calibrate the fuck out of our moral compasses in the camps. She helps Trump when she puts herself in the political spotlight.

Or, her trolling makes Donald Trump mad and he over-reacts by doing bad things which are harmful to his re-election chances.

Yeah if bernie bros being overly pessimistic is bad because trump is the biggest threat ever then actively energising trumps base has to be one of the crimes of the century no?


Yeah itā€™s really this. We really are way too forgiving of this. And the fact that she should know better makes it much worse.

If anyone ever embodied the iron law of institutions inside the Democratic Party itā€™s definitely HRC. She doesnā€™t give a fuck about anyone but herself, and any evidence to the contrary is absolutely drowned out by her continuing to help the other side motivate the people who absolutely hate her.

No Iā€™m pretty sure Donald Trump is insanely happy every time she gets mentioned anywhere because it lets him tweet a bunch about how he beat her and she was a crook and that makes him feel good.

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Clinton didnā€™t lose. Just ask Orange. Heā€™ll tell you all about the 3 million illegals who voted. Itā€™s one of the few things heā€™s ā€œCoherentā€ about.

Well this is just a weird thing to be tweeting out right now

Edit: also fucking yikes to some of the comments on there

Just having a normal one over at the FBIā€™s records department.


Iā€™m sure the same folks that have a problem with this are the same folks that scream #sticktosports from the rooftops.



Of course he isnā€™t. Literally the only reason he ā€œconcededā€ yesterday to stop any further action until after the election is because theyā€™ve already successfully removed and/or destroyed a shit ton of equipment and infrastructure.


Just like @Narrator has no intention of posting about this


What if they used Herman Cain and at the end he was reanimated while Rainbow in the Dark started to blare of the PA?

Why is he planning on there being an ā€œaftermathā€?

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What could he possibly do that would harm his reelection chances? Get caught on tape bragging about being able to sexually assault women because heā€™s him? Fuck a porn star while his wife recovers from bearing his child? Get into a public spat with a gold star family? Get caught on camera mocking the physically disabled? Accept that the Russian government paid bounties for the scalps of American soldiers and have no response at all? He could die on camera and 35% of Americans are still voting for him. Still, Hillary can STFU as far as Iā€™m concerned.


Glad theyā€™re whipping against it. People are stupid, voters are stupid, the world is complex. A mostly nonpolitical friend asked me yesterday wtf was up with Trump and the usps. Dems need a good conspiracy so voters feel more ā€œin the knowā€ and are appropriately engaged. Even if itā€™s not true (were those sorting machines formally decommissioned in January or July?) or was foiled thanks to Chuck and Nancy, the Dems should push 2x as hard on Trumpā€™s rigging the mail to rig the election as the GOP has on voter fraud.

The GOP trying to kill emergency funding for the USPS is simply ā€œproofā€ of the conspiracy (even though the GOP has been trying to destroy the postal service for 40 years).