The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

If the rape victim had an AR-15, a walkie talkie that enabled her to call for backup, and 30 years of combat experience sure. Oh and she explicitly knows that someone is out to rape her that night.


Did I say I hate her? When she speaks publicly about this stuff, Bidenā€™s chances go down slightly. When she stays quiet, they go up slightly.

No good comes from her speaking publicly on politics. Itā€™s just fodder to drum up right wing anger.

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She lost to the host of NBCā€™s The Apprentice. And her policies suck.


Heā€™s not officially a speaker, heā€™s going to kneel on Ben Carsonā€™s neck for a few seconds, then theyā€™ll all get up and slap each otherā€™s back and have a good laugh at the ā€œjoke.ā€


Right, I donā€™t disagree with your goal but the anger is undeserved. Itā€™s a long orchestrated effort of the right. Seems off to tell a woman to shut up because a bunch of misogynist bullies spent three decades trashing her.


She knew all of that. The framing youā€™re using robs her of all agency in the situation. Her very decision to run was fatefully incorrect and just the first of dozens and dozens of major mistakes.

I know youā€™re not a sexist in any way shape or form, but you should know that coddling women is inherently sexist and strongly implies that they canā€™t be as good as men. Hillary Clinton is responsible for the outcomes of her choices as a major political leader, including absolutely everything including the stuff that wouldnā€™t exist in a perfectly fair world.


So no update on talks of unemployment relief?what happened to mitch saying they needed to restart talks? Republicans really just gonna let this happen.

They already did by letting it get to this point. The dominoes are already falling. By the time they are politically forced to do something itā€™ll be too late to make anything happen IRL before the election.

Coddling. That makes no sense. How am I coddling? Iā€™m saying others are taking away her agency by telling her to shut up because a bunch of awful people spent decades to trash her knowing she was a rising political star.

Iā€™m an not saying donā€™t critique her when she does speak out. That would be coddling.

Too late for the Democrats who just wonā€™t pass a bill and donā€™t want to get people their money!

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At this point every single time she posts on twitter sheā€™s feeding the very propaganda that trashed her, and she knows this, but does it anyway because ego. She should shut up. Sheā€™s finished in politics and honestly if she didnā€™t very obviously have a personality disorder sheā€™d be too ashamed to show her face in public ever again.

Sheā€™s more responsible for whatā€™s happened since her defeat than Donald is. Heā€™s not the one bowling, heā€™s the fucking ball.

The reason sheā€™s in public right now is the reason she lost the election, the reason 200k+ Americans are now dead, and the reason why weā€™ve all been subjected to the Trump era. So yes I think itā€™s more than reasonable for people to get triggered by it. Saying they arenā€™t being reasonable is coddling her.

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I think you are all over-reacting a little to what is quite a witty reply to that tweet.


I donā€™t think people telling her to shut up are doing it because of the bad people making up stuff about the clintons, even without listening to that the clintons suck lol

I have said my piece so Iā€™ll leave it to others to continue. Iā€™ll simply say, we calibrate our moral compass by how we treat people we donā€™t like.

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I didnā€™t react to it all that badly personally, but I totally understand anyone who gets angry at literally any HRC tweet. She shouldnā€™t be cashing checks for book deals, making public appearances, or making snarky tweets about how much better she would have been.

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Ultimately, I blame Obama for appointing her to his Cabinet and giving her a platform to rehabilitate her image and stay in the public eye.

Howard Dean once was enthusiastic.


Maybe Iā€™m weird but I kinda enjoy fuckless HRC on twitter. I donā€™t care if it riles up deplorables.


Fyp? :stuck_out_tongue:

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