The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop


All hail the Founding Fathers
:heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark::balance_scale::balance_scale::balance_scale: :us: :us: :us:


lol, can someone please make a Hitler Downfall meme out of this lawbro shit. These clowns are invoking “500 years of Anglo-American law” like Adolf in his bunker moving imaginary divisions around.


I think we need Breyer and RGB to retire during the Biden presidency. Somehow getting Alito and Thomas off the bench also would be great. If it wasn’t for the electoral college, we’d have a 7-2 liberal court, so this would get us as close to that as we are gonna get unless Kavanaugh or Gorsuch meet an untimely death.

@MichaelDavis @Riverman

Observation: The loudest Kool-Aid drinkers seem to have the whitest shoes.

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I’ve said it here before but I truly believe social media will eventually be recognized as a major catalyst for the downfall of America. I’ve watched an acquaintance of mine devolve over that past month into a full on Republican propagandist. An otherwise very nice middle aged lady who now posts dozens of racist, pro trump, anti Democrat propaganda day in and day out.

I called her out on this post today that was just straight up false. It literally switched numbers to make it look like blacks are murdering whites at an insane rate. Her response was surprising, and she did actually delete the post. But it illuminated how these right wing meme warriors operate. Just blast out anything they agree with without the slightest care for accuracy. It’s fucking scary.

Fuck it, I’m going to get shitfaced drunk.


Anybody who goes to law school with the idea of joining a big firm has a lot to learn to become a good person. 22-year-olds are young though. 25-year-olds less so, but now there’s so much debt.

I don’t think it’s possible to take that kind of job with a well-calibrated moral compass.

Other than the racism, the thing that bothers me the most about reactionaries is the level of compression artifacts they’re willing to tolerate.


I still think about how Trump retweeted something almost exactly like this during the 2016 campaign.

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Roger Stone has lived one hell of a political life.


well to be fair to them, there’s no way in hell they’d be anything other than incredibly confused we’re still using that thing.

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I was taking a shot at the Ivies, Yale specifically. Are there any notable TTT Twitterers (TTTT?) punch-drunk threading on rule of law?

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well we don’t agree often–but I agree here and many here and elsewhere have made that point before, seems like social media has been a net negative for us as a society.

Old days shit like that I saw in public (except a one time thing) were the kind of tabloids that stated elvis was brought back by UFO’s and I always wondered “who the **** is so dumb they’re buying this shit” now it’s shit on facebook that says everyone else is evil based on whatever bullshit in a picture and I’m still “who is believing this shit”.

Now the president is a shit poster. One that if he only dialed it down like 20% could well still win re election.


This isn’t a new phenomenon. See: Garland, Merrick.

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Sorry, this tweet is misleading to the point of absurdity. Nobody is being trained in “how to arrest undocumented immigrants”. The dailymail headline it’s based on is equally misleading.

This is nothing more than a “citizen’s police academy” which can be found in all major cities (NYPD, LAPD, Phoenix, etc.). Their primary purpose is PR and community outreach.

The letter printed with the article says:

participants will gain insight into the many facets and responsibilities of ICE/ERO operations, and hopefully an awareness and appreciation of the issues our officers face every day in the performance of their duties.

The implication that graduates of this program will be out in the field doing law enforcement work is silly. If it’s similar to the Phoenix program, the “firearms training” portion will consist of a tour of the shooting range and an opportunity for each student to take a couple of shots with a 9mm pistol.

GREATEST DEMOVRACY OF ALLTIME tune in next weeek Anne and I talk about some shit I dont know drunkern as fuck right now. Mash the liek and subscribe buttons! WOOOOOOOO



“But if we nominate Bernie they will attack him as a radical socialist!”


“I actually took one very recently when, you know, the radical left was saying, ‘Is he all there? Is he all there?’ I proved I was all there, because I aced it,” Trump told Hannity. “I aced the test. … He should take the same exact test, a very standard test. I took it at Walter Reed Medical Center in front of doctors and they were very surprised. They said, ‘That’s an unbelievable thing. Rarely does anyone do what you just did.’ ”
