The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop


Iā€™LL take the L here, I said before that Trump would not Pardon/Commute Rodger Stones sentence.




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Lawbros still out there lawbroing


And you know this will be how deplorables respond to this commercial. Unironically using whataboutism without putting the pieces together to determine who the real bad guys are.

Theyā€™ve been brainwashed by years of law school into believing that the law is sacred and that somehow it will work to stop evil.

They donā€™t have the awareness to see that the legal system is designed to benefit the rich and powerful at the expense of the poor and unlucky.

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weird how simultaneously people are cheering the stone pardon as suck it libs and I feel absolutely nothing. Guess they havenā€™t gotten a win in awhile and are clinging on to anything.

Fucking president with nothing better to do on a Friday night than to congratulate Hannity on his RATINGS.

I mean thatā€™s a better night than Iā€™ve got going but Jesus.


No, they just donā€™t have the awareness that all that shit he just said never applied in the first place.

I think rich people would do better without the legal system, goons are cheaper than lawyers.

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Donā€™t worry, someone has to take it to court first and then In a few years the Supreme Court will remand it back to a lower court, bingo bango, ez game.


As much as I hate on law school, this is actually taught. A lot of people do get it but then compromise in all sorts of ways that are probably necessary to function psychologically and professionally. I suppose idiots who post Uncle Blazer-style takes on Twitter didnā€™t get it, youā€™re right.

Itā€™s also possible that I saw it because I was older and more radicalized and itā€™s so obviously dripping from the text. So maybe it isnā€™t really taught if you donā€™t know what youā€™re looking for.

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Law school kids graduate with all the debt and have to take terrible jobs serving actual rich people while somehow finding a way to sleep at night. Paging Upton Sinclair.

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Would be kind of funny if Trump lit it on fire on the way out, not gonna lie. Symbolic as fuck, too.

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On the other hand, everyone knows that they can break all the laws to help the president get re-elected and commutations and pardons will be coming. Thatā€™s the real danger here.


Lol not only is this not being undone, Trump is pardoning himself too if he loses.


True but the coronavirus may be our saving grace.

The Stasi did not train citizens in how to use weapons. This has more of a grown-up Hitler Youth vibe.


Sees post, sees username. Blinks a few times.

Well, fuck.


Itā€™s fucked up that it took a pandemic that was handled incompetently as conceivably possible to marginally affect public opinion so this train wreck of a president has slightly worse odds at getting reelected. We truly are stuck in the grips of a death cult. Trump supporters would douse their children in gasoline and light them on fire if it meant they could say the n-word in public.