They’re probably just not testing.
Unfortunately, we have two presidential nominees who’s best strategy would be to hide away and never open their mouths again until after the election. Fortunately, malignant narcissists can’t stay away from cameras and crowds. And just like Biden, every time he talks in public he damages himself. Reporters absolutely should put the screws to him every time. In fact, they don’t do it enough imo
This guys twitter feed is very UP in tone and content, highly recommend.
No, it’s illegal for the President to legislate via EO. But it won’t matter and he can now I guess.
I mean, the 3.4 trillion included restoring SALT. As an upper-middle income earner whom SALT would directly benefit I am A OK with kicking that can down the road, removing it from the 3.4 trillion, and meeting the republicans “halfway” at 2.2 trillion.
goddamn this article is good, and super depressing
Skimming it, but I don’t like the whole notion that America lead the world because of abstract things like “leadership” or some kind of undefined exceptionalism. The era of American dominance in the world was always based on being the largest economy and being able to blow everyone else up and neither of those things have changed. And the nation that leads the world because it can buy and sell or blow everyone else up ALWAYS thinks it’s because of how beautifully civilized and advance they are (Rome, Britain, Napoleonic France, etc).
yeah, I just sent it to a friend, with “Man, this is pretty bleak but hard to put down, so to speak”
I don’t think he makes much of a case at all for american exceptionalism at any point, he just says we came to power through really good industrial production and the destruction of the rest of the world in WW2. Thats the generally accepted path to ascendance for us.
In exchange for giving in to Republican demands they’ll receive 0 extra votes in the Senate. It’s watering down the ACA all over again.
This is a nit, but how does someone even write something like this:
“For the first time, the international community felt compelled to send disaster relief to Washington.”
(meaning it’s so obviously not true)
Wow, this is a really convincing Onion
Pretty great read.
China sent us supplies, at least Jack Ma did. Or do you mean it’s happened before? Not to my knowledge in modern times.