( twitter | raw text )
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How the fuck does Epstein’s island being hidden for so long make Trump redeemable is this person’s mind? JFC, every time I start to think there is hope for us, I just have to hop on Twitter to be promptly disabused of that notion.
Did I miss something with the right wing derposphere and DuckDuckGo? My deplorable boss told me to go duckduckgo coronavirus stats and how it’s fake the other day. Getting told to “DuckDuckGo it” was something I was not prepared for in actual human interaction.
And that person probably has an above average IQ! I mean she is obviously a moron (and anti-vax, of course), but she beats 5-10 games!
Social media is so, so toxic. These shitstain grifter types never had a platform before, and while that came with obvious downsides (good messages like “be nice to gay people” were also suppressed), there’s no way they exceeded the tragic results of the democratization of bullshit.
Joe Biden thinks all black people are the same. All black people will be outraged by this and come to the same conclusion because they are all the same.
I’m surprised he hasn’t tweeted about BIGLIEST JOBS IN HISTORY!!! yet.
After reading her Twitter, that person is a fucking moron. Irredeemable, incompetent, mouth breathing imbecile.
So I, being a normal and sane individual, assume that Biden was talking about the diversity of locations latino people in this country have come from, yes?
You got the basic idea.
But it really is example #349094 of why Biden should be talking as little as possible.
I can see the future!
Last line of the story is this presidency in a nutshell:
tRUmp could appeal the ruling