The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

Narrator: Don McGahn, however, had standing to LOL fuck you.

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I wonder if the Sgt. at Arms of the House will get his handcuffs out this time.

Dinesh wakes up every day to tell people water isn’t wet.

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Why would anyone capitalize the word “citizen” in that stupid mess.

Guy who thinks all black people are the same condemns man for thinking that all black people are the same.

The only black people voting Trump are self-hating black people and people who still think the GOP stands for conservative Christian values.

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Didnt we have like 1.4 million new unemployment claims last week?

Or is that a net number? Did we add 8 million jobs while losing 6? (Assuming around 1.5 million new unemployment claims per week)


Just under 1.2 million people filed new unemployment claims in the past week, the 20th straight week where new unemployment claims topped 1 million.

54 million Americans have claimed unemployment since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic.

You sonofabitch


Technically, water is composed of molecules, and even smaller yet atoms, thus nullifying the concept of “wet” outside of liberal propaganda (sometimes referred to as metaphysics)


In late 2019, 18 boxes containing Kansas Water Quality Standards Rulemaking records from 1985-2000 were sitting on the sixth floor of an EPA building in preparation for transfer to NARA when a sprinkler head broke, soaking the boxes. EPA facilities attempted to dry the records, but due to miscommunication between facilities and the Office of Water, did not immediately restore the records. Three months later, the records were full of mold, but likely recoverable.

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Black people come from a wider variety of places than Latino people.

You mean that’s not a metaphor?! LOL beyond parody :rofl:

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It fit nicely with the Dinesh water isn’t wet convo

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It really did. Love when a magic act comes together.

Working hard, thank you!

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