The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

How our boy C isn’t all over this unfair criticism, ohh that’s right he’s got a flat or a puncture, the garage must have took pity on him.

Fucking donuts :roll_eyes:

The only architects I could name without google are Gehry, Mies van der Rohe and Albert Speer. Gehry because he designed a building in the red-light district of my hometown. Van der Rohe, because s friend used to live in a street named after him and Speer for obvious reasons.

Gonna guess with his difficulty coordinating a drink of water that we might not have seen the heat on his pitches these days

No 1 got Tucker, he’s about the only architect I would have got.

He was probably mortified when he saw Fauci’s pitch.

Barr is testifying before House Judiciary on Tuesday, is that open, can I watch it?

Leaving Art Vandelay off of these lists is a travesty.


Didn’t want to embarrass the good doctor further. The day Trump became president.

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( twitter | raw text )

In which Trump admits Texas is in play.


The first comment is from someone running for Congress in FL, glanced at his Twitter and found this gem:

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I could support this if they’re for one way tickets for everyone who’s ever worn a swastika mask, flown a confederate flag, burned a cross, etc… Would have to check with black people first, of course, and see how they feel. I’m willing to spend double to achieve this result.

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Lots of people would know Gehry.

Surprised nobody has mentioned Gaudi in the discussion of architects. If asked to name architects, I’d have known him and Pei.

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This is such nonsense that they’re repeating over and over. If anything the city seems much more respectful, caring, and polite over the last months EXCEPT FOR THE GODDAMN FED THUGS DOWNTOWN. The fed building is right downtown, just on the west side of the river. There’s a few blocks where the unidentified pew-pew thug mooks get off playing war against protestors who have dared arm themselves with protective equipment. I’ve seen the marches organizing and staging from NE parks like Peninsula and Alberta. If anything there’s a raging sense of community, aggressive empathy, a downright dangerous universal passion for human rights, LOOK OUT! I was at Peninsula Park a couple weeks ago and was accosted by a group passing out free food to kids (they do this several days a week, maybe more now that school’s out). Where has our country gone wrong where complete strangers will check on each other to see if they’re doing ok? Yeah, please help us get control of our city Feds, you fucking dullard pawns.

One thing Fox(lol) would see if they ventured out from that small downtown war crimes area are small, almost spontaneous demonstrations/marches happening throughout the city. I was at Grant Park in NE recently and a group of probably 500 people marched by in a BLM walk. Probably half of them were children holding signs, chanting and what not. What despicable commie antifa indocrination, right Tom “Shit Stork” Cotton? How about those goddamn dangerous elderly folk standing in every traffic circle in my neighborhood with Black Lives Matter signs, all that honking!

Protests here are not stopping, they’re getting bigger and spreading out. The idea that Portland is under some sort of dangerous siege is so unbelievably incorrect it would be laughable if a sizable chunk of our country wasn’t so stupid and gullible.


If he loses, he’s not leaving peacefully.

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Well, he’s obviously going to claim that every single mail-in ballot that is added to the count after the actual election date is a fraud. Oh wait, I’m winning there? Ok those ones are fine, look how official and stamped and sealed they are.

I don’t know, I don’t think he has a good strategy here. As has been written about numerous times, he’s disincentivizing his base from voting the easier way to vote during a pandemic. He’s like the only republican candidate right now who thinks this is a good idea. There’s not even any evidence that absentee ballots skew democratic. If anything they probably normally skew republican because it’s the voting method of choice amongst the elderly.

There is no strategy here. Everyone in the GOP is trying to get him to shut up about mail in voting. He just knows he’s losing and is raging in response. It’s level 1 thinking with this dipshit, always. It sometimes feels like evil genius because “fuck you, no” has been so effective, but that’s mostly dumb luck.