The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

Walk up a ramp, salute, and follow with a one-handed drink from a refreshing glass of ice cold fuck you, Mr. President.


Man, I dunno. Good chance Biden messes that up. Said with love.


“Look fat, persons men women and children with the Polaroid phonograph.”


It wouldn’t even be fair for Biden to take the test now since Trump just gave everybody the answers.


I heard this in Biden’s voice

This is obviously a Hitler potato.


That’s probably my favorite thread of all time.

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Having him do the test on camera would be the elite trolling move:
„Sir, can you repeat these five words: eggnog, tree, bicycle, husband, child“ and then ten minutes later;
„Sir, can you say those five words again, that Christine asked you about earlier.“


He had an eight point lead in Ohio in 2016 and won the following states by a closer margin:
North Carolina

If I did the math correctly, that is 117 electoral college votes. He even won Texas by just one more percentage point than Ohio. If Biden wins Ohio, he does not need it anymore.

You’re assuming Biden=Clinton and 2016=2020. I agree Ohio probably doesn’t matter, but it’s far from certain. Right now Biden is polling better in Ohio than Georgia, and basically the same as in NC and Arizona.

You know the questions are pre-screened and if you go off script they’ll just yank your network’s credentials right?

They don’t ask those questions because they’re not able to.


I so wish a ghostbusters scenario happened the entire US right now, sans ghostbusters.


If they are pre-screened, I assume that the screeners are telling Propaganda Barbie what they are (what would stop them?), which is why she is somewhat prepared.

I assume they could also tell Trump the questions and prep him for them. But I can understand that prepping Trump is kind of a fool’s errand.

You really need a cite for that? He’s revoked press credentials of reporters he doesn’t like. It’s not a free for all where they can just ask whatever they feel like. Their careers are literally on the line with every word that comes out of their mouth and the one that decides is donny dumb dumb.

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Revoking credentials because he doesn’t like a question is not the same as revoking credentials because the question asked was different from the one which was screened.

I was more talking about interviews - which is what the original post I was replying to was talking about?

But at pressers no I assume most of the questions are pre screened or at least the people are heavily vetted. Pre screened questions at pressers is a very common practice and happens in the california covid pressers for sure. It isn’t some unheard of thing.

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And they pick interviewers who wouldn’t ask a question that would risk their career. Journalists all over the world endanger their lives to get stories. Tons of journalists would risk their careers to ask Donny dumb dumb tough questions. Of course if they ask good tough questions their careers would not be over. They might not get to recite prescreened questions in front of the President though.


I see. I thought you were talking about the press conferences.

I find it a lot easier to believe that he people are vetted than the questions. Even the latter is plausible, so I’d be interested in the exact process. That is why I asked for cite.

I admit I am mostly basing this off the california covid press conferences - I hate listen to KFI (mostly conservative station that actually has pretty good breaking news and covid updates) and they talk and complain frequently that their questions are vetted beforehand.

Trump has a history of not wanting to put himself in front of difficult questions so if this was going on I would not be in the least bit surprised. I would actually be more surprised if it were not true. Sorry if I came off arrogant.

That is another part of the reason for my surprise. I feel like I would have heard above with respect to the pressers at some point.