The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

Do witches burn?



A lot are caught up in this ridiculous prosperity gospel, even atheists. American culture is that if youā€™re a good person and work hard, then God/the universe/whatever will reward you. The people who suffer did something to deserve it. Fate never puts upon a person more than they can handle, so man up. Believe good things will happen and they will. Bad things happening? Not enough #wealth? You just need more faith. Again, this is a worldview that even atheists find themselves reacting to.

A lot of people are finding out what it means to be a good, hardworking person who faces major financial collapse through no fault of their own. Now we could then talk to them about systemic causation etc etc, but one step at a time.

( twitter | raw text )

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They do suck. I just donā€™t get why people are getting all twisted up about them.

Your own Supreme Court picks voted against you.



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This crime was taking place even before my election, everyone knows it, and yet all are frozen stiff with fearā€¦

Lol so Billy Barr told him ā€œIā€™d love to, but only if you win the next election.ā€

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Such a good idea. We broke numbers down in Procurement all the time, canā€™t believe this isnā€™t standard procedure for democrats.

Everything about this virus is awful and tragic but your statement above brings it home for me, this virus may be the ā€œbestā€ thing to hit USA#1 since forever vis a vis getting our shitshow house in order.

I intend no ill will to anyone in our community, but with each passing Karen video etc, it becomes clear to me that a seismic event like COVID will be required to reduce the sense of entitlement and greed in this country. Sucks that humans are hard wired to resist change unless imminent doom is staring them in the face, but thatā€™s where we are right now.

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Russian Bounties on U.S. Troops: Why Hasnā€™t the Administration Responded?

Hearing will be live-streamed on YouTube and Twitter 1 PM EST

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This bounty story is so fishy. Trump threatens to pull 10k troops out of Germany and 4K out of afghanistan and then a few days later we have this story that the taliban is getting paid to kill US troops, like isnā€™t that their goal anyways? There have also been a couple of times in the last couple years where Trump has threatened to remove troops from somewhere and after a couple of days a story comes out that justifies either keeping or putting more troops in and sometimes the stories have been proven lies. Seems like a story pushed to justify continued troop presence and more money to the MIC. Like hell we had the afghan papers last year showing that we are just sending troops to die over there with no goal or plan and the top officials in charge know this but no one gave a fuck. Just worried that this will just be another push that will lead to more deaths and more military excursions by our imperial forces

Also we have evidence that US contractors have given ā€œprotection paymentsā€ directly to the taliban which funds them killing and wounding Americans

This isnā€™t to say the reason trump wants to pull troops is smart or justified but it doesnā€™t mean the reasons troops are in these places is actually a good idea in the first place


Not sure if this should be an OP but I was wondering what people think will happen when it becomes completely unambiguous that america is no longer #1 at anything. How will people respond? Like america was never really all that great at social welfare stuff, everything was too commodified for that. America never had very good working conditions, at will work few employee protections etc. But americans always had 2 things to fall back on. A vague sense that the country had power and status abroad and personal consumption. The only country in the world with unlimited free refills and $2 pancake stacks. But as the looting of america by the rich continues, consumption for regular folks will have to be reduced. And when you look at covid no one can believe that america has done the best. They may fall for the more testing line as damage mitigation but when youā€™re being outperformed by Italy the most disorganised and corrupt state in the west or even the UK which is mostly run by inbred child molesters reality has to eventually hit home even if only subconsciously. How will the nationā€™s psyche react?



Itā€™s 31120


No wonder I couldnā€™t get it


The Olds as ever will react with increasing unhinged dissonance.

But the new generations grew up laughing or cringing at The Olds. They donā€™t care about whether America is #1. They care about each otherā€™s health and well-being.


Iā€™m curious to see answers to our question. As a start, I think we are in early stages of seeing the effects on the nationā€™s psyche and itā€™s pessimism and soul-crushing weariness for those of us who try to have empathy, use science for common good, use logic etc. For folks who may skew towards the emotional, itā€™s yelling, anger, projection, getting captured on video behaving badly, and in all seriousness, blaming ā€œthe other sideā€ for the countryā€™s ills.

Longer term, I have no idea, but I think that brief two week period after 9/11 where ā€œwe all came togetherā€ is never gonna happen again and Iā€™m not trying to be hyperbolic. People are pissed - at each other. The political structure ensures that this will remain the case, right until the bubbles rise up where the ship just disappeared below the water.


In a way Trump is the perfect President for this because weā€™re going to double down on our exceptionalism no matter how obvious it gets that weā€™re not #1. I also think weā€™ll keep shoveling money at the military while everything else falls to shit so weā€™ll still have the ā€œbestā€ (most expensive) military on Earth for quite a while and that will be something the rubes can point to to show that weā€™re still the most powerful nation while they stand in breadlines.

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Another way Iā€™ve enjoyed using this is telling people that for the cost of the CARES Act they could have given everyone in the country $10k (Iā€™m slightly fudging the numbers here but itā€™s a nice round number this way) and they only gave you $1,200. The rest of your money went to billionaires.


So, a repeat of ancient Rome, basically. I see it.

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Adding this to my debate arguments file.