The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop
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Yes and taking black votes for granted can absolutely hurt him

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Not Bears Ears though, fuck that park because Obama created it.

Biden is a moron. Yes he’s better than Trump. Yes, vote for him. Still a moron.

You’d think the worst part is that he counted people like Andrew Jackson as not racist. But you could call that an “oops, sorry, didn’t mean the 18th and 19th centuries”. Really the worst part is that he really doesn’t think Reagan was a racist.


You guys make the mistake a lot of thinking career politicians believe or mean what they say. He’s aware that trump is not the first racist president. He’s trying to make the situation seem extreme and unprecedented for political purposes, because he sees it favoring him.

He’s not really wrong about that. Framing this as some extreme threat that’s never happened before is beneficial politically.

Think of how the truth sounds - not politically palatable at all.


It’s just constant goddamn lies

Or Nixon.

Or Clinton for that matter. The crime bill Biden helped write that BC signed into law destroyed generations of black families and communities.

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Reagan, Nixon, Woodrow Wilson…

My pony barks at black people.

Yeah Ted, tRUmp’s horror show of a response has led to all those things and it’s why we’ll wake up with a President Joe Biden.


Holy shit, what an unintentional self-own.

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‘Malaise’ definitely led to a different president in 1980. ‘It is what it is’ should lead to a different president in 2020 if everything else hasn’t already led us there.

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Texas is a big fucking state and the best you can come up with is this moronic, cowardly, phony troll?

$100/week will be a huge disaster if that ends up being the final number.


The average voter doesn’t know this or care.

I understand the argument on the facts. On the emotionally level I think it’s largely fine. Let’s just say there is an implied OUTRIGHT racist President in MODERN times.

I presume he will be hearing from Presley et at today.

I don’t know about Coolidge and Harding. Wilson was obvious. Nixon also obvious. Reagan/Bush/Bush policies and rhetoric at a minimum. Even the “first” black president (BC not BO) oversaw the maximum proliferation of drug and poverty criminalization.

For the average American and the GOP as a political brand yes.

JFC that would be a disaster. I am intentionally not working on my client project this week after earning 1600 last week wiped me off PUA for last week. Thankfully the client is fine with an August completion date.

We will survive this as long as the wife continues working. I can’t imagine being on the knifes edge and getting that deep of cut. I said this in the bailout thread. Nancy should just pass a duplicate of April PUA and stimulus and date Mitch to sit on it or both it down or Donny to veto.

There are an appalling amount of people who would agree with this statement.

Fact is that we were taught as children to whitewash our country’s history and many of us continue to do it to this day.

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A few fun climate change facts.

One study showed that nuclear power industry has saved 1.8 million deaths from reduced coal pollution. Total possible deaths from nuclear is about 4500. Mostly background radiation from Chernobyl causing higher cancers.

Batteries are NOT the solution to storage. They are too expensive. Require too much materials. And also require a ton of energy to create. They just don’t get you the scale. Even with significant improvements in technology.

The biggest bang for your buck is a) pumped hydro and b) interconnectors. It’s not impossible to imagine an electricity network spanning China, Europe, Israel, north Africa and North America. Your storage requirements go way down if you can move elec around.

The most successful nuclear industry was france. The secret. All their reactors are pretty much exactly the same. Everyone else building different types, blows the cost out.

Thank you for attending my TED talk.