Biden is a transition back to the left. We just aren’t going to put a Bernie/AOC in the White House immediately. Once Trump is out of office, we can go hard on making sure his VP moves the Overton Window back towards the left. But going from Trump to AOC overnight is never happening in a million years.
Well I was referring more to the cheating on his pregnant wife then cheating on his mistress with another mistress. Not to mention slipping an abortion pill to a stripper he impregnated.
I dunno, why not take idiots at their word that fascism and the left actually meet going the other way. Suddenly it’s not that big a jump!
I know. I was pointing out the terrible title of the article. It’s like titling a piece about a serial killer who murders sex workers “man hires sex workers” instead of “man kills 10 women”.
Digging into the Householder thing a bit more, he sold the taxpayers out and cost them $1.3 billion for…
$500,000 of personal benefit.
F’n rubes, the lot of them.
The biggest beneficiary was of course his “chief political strategist:”
Longstreth, Householder’s chief political strategist, transferred more than $10.5 million in bribe payments to his firm, JPL & Associates, as well as another $4.4 million through indirect means, according to the complaint. Longstreth also allegedly benefitted personally, receiving more than $5 million in bribe money, including at least $1 million transferred to his brokerage account in January 2020.
If anybody wants to do some real journalism, I can 100% guarantee every state government leader would be very uncomfortable with reporters digging around their “political strategists’” finances.
And the stupid bill will still stand and Ohio taxpayers will still be stuck with the bill. If I remember right, aren’t two of the three nuclear plants not even in Ohio? Nice system we’ve got here. USA #1
We really need to stop shaming the nuclear people and bundle them in with clean energy. There’s no way we’re going to get to where we need to get on climate change without it as things stand now.
And before micro comes in here saying that we just need a lot of solar+batteries he’s right… but this is an AND not an OR. We need everything. All of it. Every single option at max scale ASAP.
The thing that makes me the angriest about that whole article is that the nuclear people felt the need to bundle themselves up with the coal people. They should be on opposite sides in any rational world.
I’m usually pretty pro intercept, but this article is pretty lousy tbh. I don’t care how much nuclear costs right now. It costs what it costs because of regulatory blocks on building them and figuring out how to do it cheaply. This is basically the same ‘but it’s too expensive’ argument the fossil fuel people use on every single project there is.
The weirdest thing about the people on this board being anti nuclear is that you’ve bought the fossil fuel industries propaganda hook line and sinker, which isn’t typical for this group.
If the whole planet had gone nuclear in the 80’s-90’s climate change would be a much smaller problem right now. Yes power would cost more, but the cost per megawatt on nuclear would be way lower than it is today because of the same reasons solar is way cheaper than it used to be. When you do something over and over again you get better at it. Safety would have improved a lot too.
lol, what amazing take. Ohio got scammed for a billion dollars and you think people complaining about it are somehow “anti-nuclear?”
I’m glad Comey is waiting until January. I’d hate to see him impact an election by publishing damaging information about a candidate just before the vote.
Fuck Jim Comey. That dude’s gravestone should have ‘helped cause Trump’ carved into it. It’s the only thing anyone will know him for in a hundred years. This goes for HRC and her entire campaign team as well ldo. There are times when no excuses can be accepted.
EDIT: This is going to be a lot more controversial but it belongs on Obama’s too. His has a few more lines on it with other stuff, but his two most important decisions were to go for healthcare at the start of his first term and to NOT go public with everything they knew about Donald Trump before the election and he blew them both in a spectacular way. He’s not going to age well I’m afraid. Generally very competent but his mistakes were so world shatteringly consequential that his personal contribution to the country might actually be negative. It’s kind of like how George Meade was easily a top 4 commander in the civil war, either side, but blew the big call at Gettysburg to chase Lee down and that’s all he’ll ever be known for by anyone but the real nerds. Meade also made a bad decision in a complicated situation under a lot of moral pressure to do the wrong thing. Unfortunately some mistakes are for such high stakes that if you get them wrong it’s actually impossible to come back from it.
For the non history nerds in here George Meade was a Civil War general who won a big battle, and then rested his (very beaten up) army instead of chasing down the enemy army and finishing the war right there. That decision probably killed twice as many Americans as COVID-19 has so far. In population adjusted terms it was a staggeringly big mistake. I’m very proud of this comparison and believe that it contains more insight than Masons entire stupid book lol. It’s about all the talented people who found themselves in a coin flip for all the chips and DIDN’T win. History books are full of people who are judged to have been great mostly because they won the 3-4 biggest flips of their lives. I find the life story of the people who lost those flips at least as informative.
Oh and to be clear about Meade he was consistently one of the top 2-3 best commanders of the war on the Union side. Was like #2 guy in the chain of command in the Union Army at the end of the war. If you laid every decision he ever made in the entire war out on paper in order with 1’s and 0’s for right and wrong decisions this guy was probably in the 95-99% range. He just made the biggest mistake of the entire war is all… and on the day he made it this decision was a muddy mess with lousy information and tons of pressure. Doesn’t matter, still only known for that one blown choice because sometimes the fuck up’s consequences are so large there’s no coming back from it.
Maybe the moral of the two stories is that you have to be pretty good at poker to rise to the level where you can lose a three hundred trillion dollar pot. Or it would be if Trump wasn’t busily donking around right now. But honestly blaming Trump personally for all this really is like blaming the bullet that got fired at you for the damage it did to your insides. He’s in power because he’s a fucking moron not in spite of it.
I think it’s the other way around, that is the anti science / anti nuclear crowd will use the corruption as “evidence” that nuclear energy is bad. That doesnt mean everyone against a bad nuclear energy deal is just anti nuclear.
Saw a good Biden add this morning.
Plus this convo w BO upcoming:
5:30 briefing. Looking forward to it! Working hard, thank you!
Wtf they order them to close it now it’s on fire? China like fuck you, you kick us out you eont get to keep the building lol
They’re probably just burning documents.
As Trolly says… All embassys do this when removed from a country