I was right now years old when I figured out “Householder” was a family name and not Ohio’s backwards-ass name for speaker of the state house. This threw me off:
yup. all this
They could also refer to him as Jason “Guy Who Might Grind Up An Abortion Pill In Your Smoothie” Miller. And since he lost that lawsuit I think that’s 100% legal now. (IANAL)
eh I think the point of the article is the defense against libel is truth and what the guy has said in public highly contradicts his actual actions and testimony under oath.
Should it be salacious? No except for someone that works for people that want to legislate morality it’s hypocrisy at its highest.
So if the kink shamers partake of kink is that fiat game to shame? Not the kink but the hypocrisy?
What about the folks that kink “legislature” being found to practice the kink?
I think there is a difference there.
This is not to say that the article is not itself kink shaming but I’m not sure how they avoid that in pointing out the guys actions vs his guy’s administration’s policies.
Fuck that you media morons
Is he tacitly offering her a pardon if she doesn’t name him?
That seems to make sense. Problem for her is that I assume states would be willing to step in so she can’t get away totally.
Hopefully he won’t be in a position to pardon her. Presumably police interviews have already started, though given the year long delay before the trial starts any plea bargaining is probably some time away.
I’m increasingly worried Maxwell will become of late October smear against Biden and dems for a promise of a post election pardon. Something like that would probably turn the tide. I recently said I don’t think people would believe a damn thing coming out of the Trump admin because they lost all credibility… but if it comes from Maxwell… well many of the people who recently left Trump will believe that.
I know I’ve been going full conspiracy theory but whatever, I’m normally not that person but I feel nothing is off limits for these people and the fact they learned there are zero consequences for anything they will use all the tools available.
There are conspiracies and there are conspiracies.
The whole Epstein case is a conspiracy to traffic minors for the pleasure of the wealthy of course so I don’t think it’s a stretch to imagine Trump might want to implicate Biden or other senior Dems in it somehow (and it’s possible that some might have been involved).
As you Yanks say, it’s in his wheelhouse (have I got that right?).
They’ll probably just stick to WHATABOUT BILL CLINTON because the mainstream media will instinctively acknowledge that Clinton knew Epstein and it tees them up for some of that sweet both sides action that proves they are not biased.
Some questionable wonky stuff (training! tax credits!) but seems good overall. I do really like universal pre school, and the 450 billion for elder care is good stuff.
It’s a CNBC article, so they of course ask that.
I’m sure this is all a ploy to pick up the Sanders fans but it’s definitely making me less mad about him being president. Not less mad the establishment and media fucked my man Bernie, I still rage over that, but I’m like ok maybe he won’t basically be a non insane republican.
Though the rage will come back when it turns out it was in fact all a ploy and he starts trying to compromise with Republicans and passes complete bullshit despite having a senate majority.
C’MON MAN! You gotta reach across that aisle.