The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop
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Truly amazing that even as he continues to freedive in the polls he still panders entirely to his deeply loyal base that is 100% voting for him. It’s really hard to believe there aren’t a ton of people who while not officially in the admin because that’d be dumb, are freely accepting their money and telling them they need to switch shit up to try and bring back the medium racists.

The only world where this strategy makes sense is the world in which they 100% plan on straight up stealing the election and are counting on those super loyalists to arm up and defend their actions.

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That and the world where Donnie Dumb Dumb is a demented imbecile totally incapable of strategic thought who perceives everything other than fawning Pyongyang style praise as a personal attack and instinctively bleats his grievances nonstop.


Of course he isn’t but like I said there are tons of monied interests that want him to win badly, how is there zero attempt to win back medium racists? Like Trump is pretty easy to manipulate from everything we’ve seen. Praise him nonstop and tell him how alpha and much it’d own the libs to ____ insert stuff to win back medium racists.

Like I don’t actually think this is a strategy because they know they will 100% steal the election and rely on their supports for armed support, like I know thats not a thing. It just boggles my mind the monied interests who badly want to keep stealing with Trump as president aren’t doing a way better job and having him win back the shmediums racists.

Like before this we saw Trump get manipulated all the time into saying shit that benefitted his re-election chances, but it’s like that has all gone away. I guess maybe its like Hitler when he started to lose he stopped trusting everyone and wanted to take personal control of everything. That makes sense I guess.

Malkin was born to Filipino immigrants but pals around with people who’d gladly murder her if it was legal to do so.

I mean it’s a total grift. She saw an opportunity to appeal to self-hating minorities and is trying to cash in. Stacey Dash has the black self-haters and Malkin wants the Asian ones. There’s no doubt that the white nationalists she also appeals to disgust her but she’s willing to accept it because the grift brings in money.

Like all the other women appealing to conservatives, she’s different behind the scenes.


Honestly if it wasn’t for the huge racism conservatives would crush the votew with a lot of immigrants because a lot of them from south America and SE asia etc are deeply religious and are against abortion and other religious stuff. Well the older generations are at least. The younger ones aren’t at all.

Kind of hilarious if the conservatives could let go of their racism they could get everything else on their list easily including banning abortions because they’d have a super majority but racism is their #1 priority.

He could also be a total fucking moron who has escaped his handlers and gone totally off the rails.

There was an entire report written about the state of the Republican Party that said exactly this.

Then Trump came in and destroyed the ideas in the report with unrestrained racism.


They aren’t going to steal the election FFS. If stealing an election was easy there never would have been a blue wave in 2018. Yea they’ll try gerrymandering and voter suppression but everyone knew that. That’s why it’s important to vote. But all this negative bullshit about the election being stolen plays right into the GOP’s hands and it needs to stop.


Not sure you’re right about the monied interests preference for him over the senator from MBNA.
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Expect to hear from Cheeto Mussolini about this later today. What is it about Americans and their traitor memorials, anyway?
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Prior to impeachment I dont think they realized what incredibly blatant shit they could easily get away with and still have half the voting population still support them. Their numbers went up ffs

That’d wh a lot of us are scared. They learned there is zero consequences to cheating.


My first presidential election was the second Bill Clinton one. I have voted Democrat every time.

Probably not a ton of business owners but certainly a huge portion of wall street and other businesses. I mean they have a ton of hedge fund guys on msnbc saying the markets actually doing badly because the threat of joe biden. I believe you pointed that out yourself