That’s because its what they do when Biden says wear a mask. They assume everyone else is as stupid and tribal and unthinking as they are.
I’ll do the boring thing of mentioning stuff from Israel, but there’s a non-meaningless amount of Anti-Netanyahu people (aka “left”) that are downplaying COVID to a point a denial just because it Netayahu is advocating a possible lockdown.
I try to never underestimate stupidity
His results are irrelevant anyway. Bragging about passing a basic cognitive impairment assessment is the real test. He is a moron.
I want a tool Pres Trump in the race as soon as he is out of office. Trying to cheat everytime but always losing. Think of the gags - steps on a scale and it reads 400 lbs. takes an IQ test…
They already kind of did this with Teddy Roosevelt, who lost his first 500+ races, often in creative ways. The only difference is that fans eventually started lobbying for Teddy to win. I think the stadium might riot if Trump ever did.
Or some producer has the bold idea to flip the script and give Trump the easiest possible tests that he then passes. The audience loves it, at first in on the joke, but a decade later, Trump runs for office at 95 years old with those tapes as proof of his brain.
I’m taking the under.
I was disappointed when they let Teddy win. Why break the streak?
Letting Trump compete in the President’s Race is a bad idea because it will inevitably lead to a repeat of the infamous sausage beating incident of '03**.
** – I know someone out there will get this reference.
Some player whacked him with a bat in Milwaukee-correct?
I’ve voted D in 8 presidential elections so I’m 4-4.
Dukakis in '88 couldn’t even manage to carry California but it was so long ago West Virginia was still Blue.
Randall Simon?
Way easier now that Great Hair is gone.
I’ve voted against every president since the first Bush…should I vote trump so he loses?
Last place I expected a Johnson to take the stage.
So Chris Wray hasn’t been a stooge as FBI director, which has been a pleasant surprise, but doesn’t he report to Barr?
Kind of, but the FBI director can only be dismissed by the President, and only for cause.