The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

I did in 2004. LOL me. Never again do I make a mistake like that.

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2018 was the first time Iā€™ve voted at all :roll_eyes:


I did in 2004. I was 19 and it was the first year I ever voted. Never voted for a Republican presidential candidate again.

I wasnā€™t all that political, but I remember liking Edwards a lot because he was like the first (legit) politician Iā€™d ever heard talking about poverty in what seemed like real terms, or at least the first Iā€™d heard since Iā€™d become an eligible voter.

I will own it. I voted for W in three general elections.


I was just trolling jman and didnā€™t really mean to try to get everyone to confess. Soā€¦i will

I donā€™t really remember who I voted for before Obama. I voted for some Dems, but also wrote people in or voted green or something. I wrote myself in at least once.

I voted for a Republican once for state assembly because I knew the person. I may have voted for Ahnold his second term, but donā€™t remember. He was very good for solar.

Brag: have never voted for a Republican
Beat: I voted lolibertarian my first couple elections and was very proud of myself. lol me.

Yup. Thanks, internet. I attribute it to having the correct ā€œboth parties are full of shitā€ instincts but not being smart/informed enough to come to the correct conclusion.


I voted for Nader in Michigan and Iā€™m fucking proud of it.


Dubya was much worse for people outside this country, Trump is/has been worse for the people in the country.




Sheā€™s a moron with anger issues.

The media thinks he does. Catering to media conventional wisdom creates positive press and free advertising.

Thirded. I voted for Gary Johnson 2x instead of Obama because Iā€™m super smart.

I almost voted to reelect Bush in my first presidential election but came to my senses and voted for Kerry.

Iā€™m very liberal now, but in my first election I voted for McCain.

If having Kasich gets the MSM to actively begin crapping on Trump then I love it.

Iā€™ve never voted third-party or Republican. Iā€™d vote for a convicted pedo with a D next to his name before Iā€™d vote for any Republican.



Good for the waistline and good for America!

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Excellent summary, impeccable graphics. This is a lawbro we can trust :muscle:

Deion is obnoxious but ā€œgood at both sportsā€ is an understatement with regards to football. Best cover corner of his era. Maybe of all time. Hard to compare him to pre 90ā€™s players who actually tackled.