The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

I mean, isn’t it a lock that Bernie gets to speak at the convention? Or are you talking about cabinet? In that case, isn’t it a lock that Warren gets a position if she’s not VP?

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“He said ‘actual progressives’,” replied some dumbass.


Most Americans never leave North America. Even less so for Trump shitstains. They literally have no grasp of reality with regard to things like our standing in the world. As long as Trump is sticking it to GYNA, bitching about those weakling Euro nations bleeding us dry and largely ignoring (or worse) the plight of brown people then to them that is projecting American strength.

It isn’t reality but literally none of them live in reality. Turn on Fox News or AM radio if you don’t believe me.


Not sure how you got that’s what I meant out of what I wrote. I said Bush was the setup for Trump, someone who was terribly incompetent surrounded by horrible people (quite a few of who made it into Trump’s admin), who Trump now makes look competent to those who don’t know better. There’s zero question Dubya was the worst president prior to Trump.

The Dems don’t need to have Kasich on for balance. CNN can have him on for balance, but the Dems having him on would basically just a wink to the centrists and big donors to assure them that Bernie is just there for show to appease some kids.

Fair enough. Several posters though have consistently taken the position that Dubya was worse than Trump, although that was before COVID.

Just thinking about this the other day. Deaths as a result of the Iraq War estimated to be about 500k iirc. That’s definitely in range.

I mean other competent and sane administrations not only help prevent and drastically lower the US death toll, but they assist the rest of the world as well and help lower the global death toll. I’d say that 500k is not only in range, it’s at the low end of the range.

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The media gives a shit about Kasich. Trotting Kasich out like a show dog is all about giving a narrative that the centrist-minded, pro-establishment mainstream media will want to push: Donald Trump is a disruptive avatar of chaos while Biden is the opposite and calm enough to attract sane Republicans to his side.

Anyone here vote for W?

I voted for Lieberman in the ‘04 primaries. Dont’ @ me.

Do you remember how you ranked the candidates at the time?

2016 was the first time I ever voted in a primary. Go ahead and @ me.

No one voted W in the general?

I don’t remember. I think I also liked Edwards. That’s all I really remember. I also volunteered for the DNC in the general as a poll watcher law student in a swing state in a majority minority district and helped two people cast provisional ballots when the director of the polling location illegally tried to stop them from voting becuase they didn’t have ID and stated, I quote “If they’re not responsible enough to bring ID they’re not responsible enough to vote.”

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In case you’re interested in the ultra-derposphere hot takes


Biden doesn’t need Republicans. He’s got more than enough without moving further to the right.

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I voted for W in 2000. It was the only time I voted for a Republican for President.

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