The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

Sadly this will appeal more to his moronic base so I’m fine with it.


Time for that long planned trout fishing vacation for Sean.


It’s great now when anyone brings up Black Lives Matter or the failure in the US on covid the right just screams “What about Chiner?”

The only appropriate response to that is “Fuck You is what us about China”. It’s obscene for a US senator to be publicly belying his obligation to this country like Cruz is doing.


I think Dump just became President.

So sorry

Who could have guessed sending text messages was so complicated?



Governor already said he’s probably going to pardon them if they get charged

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Governor doesn’t run the state bar. Convictions are bad news for the ability to practice law.


Presidents usually nominate some token member of the other party to some random cabinet position to show they have a “bipartisan” cabinet. So, yes, seems likely.


Make the gun-waving psychopaths hire expensive lawyers and endure the pain of litigation for as long as possible. Love it.

I’m sure they’ll land on their feet with some pathetic grift but being charged with a felony surely isn’t fun.


I know I am screaming into the void but if the void’s there you might as well use it:

I can’t imagine considering myself an America-first person and supporting Donald Trump. How could one plausibly claim that he isn’t accelerating the decline of American Empire?

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Try reading “America” as “white Christian America”.


Right, I understand supporting him as a white-ethnonationalist. Sort of. I mean it’s still idiotic but I at least understand what’s happening there.

I just don’t get how you can be a hoo-rah America! type person and think this is the guy who is protecting American interests and projecting American strength.

Maybe all those people are one and the same. Maybe it’s truly just all about white identity politics. I understand that’s a real possibility. I don’t know.

It’s just crazy to see the decline of the empire accelerate so rapidly in real time under this guy, yet still have people claim he is the America first guy. It’s wild.

At a first glance giving Kasich a meaningless cabinet position and announcing it before November sounds like a good play as losing Ohio and splitting off traditional conservatives would be disastrous for the Trump campaign.
The problems are
a) that this play would not make sure Biden wins Ohio as the Trump base is just too crazy and
B) even if Biden wins Ohio, he won‘t need it any more. Even with Kasich in the wings there is no chance in hell Ohio would be the tipping point.

Biden by himself should be enough to draw some traditional conservatives/ RINOs away from Trump. Who is the voter that says „That Biden is a socialist radical. What did you say he is going to make Kasich Secretary of Commerce? Biden is a totally electable moderate.“?

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Nobody gives a shit about Kasich. The vast majority of deplorables don’t even know who he is.


I have no idea who this lady is but I love that on masks and vaccines he is going to lose at least as many deplorables as he might gain form more moderates.

I’m sorry but these “actually Dubya was worse than Trump takes” have got to fucking stop. Dubya was definitely the worst president the US has had in the last 150 years… until Trump. By every measure Trump is so much worse. And for those who said that Dubya caused more deaths, Coronavirus and Trump’s response to it is fast eroding that one saving grace he had vs. Dubya.