The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

If that’s the case, why not give interviews with CNN and just pwn them?

Haha that’s pretty good

Because he doesn’t want to give them the ratings bump he imagines they would inevitably get. Plus he’s convinced CNN will Fake News-ify whatever he says.

There is a segment of his base that he is currently bleeding support on. That segment watches Chris Wallace on Fox News.

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He’s a narcissist. He is rewarding Fox with his attention. He is punishing CNN by withholding attention. I know it sounds crazy but this is how his mush brain works.


OK, I’ll buy that

He could do an interview live . They can’t fake news it then. He’ll be there with his great intellect to prevent it.

Wonder what his demo numbers are? Much overlap with Hannity?

He can reward fox by agreeing to a more friendly interviewer. Same reward, and he comes out looking much better.

This resembles too much of a coherent strategy for someone on Team Trump to have cooked up. Yeah, I get that it doesn’t take a genius to think of it, but the people are really at the bottom of the not-a-genius bunch.

Lol, he doesn’t actually think fake news is fake. He thinks fake news is anything that makes him look bad.


Not sure how to break this to you, but he’s a fucking imbecile.

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I believe it actually states that those with less skill are more likely to misjudge(some time wildly) their own relative competency, not that we are unable to do so. All are susceptible, but not to an equal extent or frequency.

My guess would be that even just knowing about DK reduces the frequency of DK in our lives. But I may be demonstrating a misunderstanding of DK and refuting my point. :grin:


Could somebody who already served two terms run as VP? If so what would happen if the president in that case has to abandon office?

watching this rn, thanks

probably some legal thing that they have to have at least one actual news show a week to call themselves “fox news”

No, you have to be eligible to become president to run for VP. Same reason why AOC or Mazie Hirono can’t be on the ticket.

When it comes to political forecasting I don’t think there are that many surprises so have having a high baseline success rate is pretty standard. Binking 2016 is exactly that.

Lol apparently a Nazi editor caught my edit and deleted it.

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If you think Dunning Kruger doesn’t apply to you, you are a classic example of the effect :partying_face:



Since I know very few of you hate yourselves enough to watch that whole thing, I’ll live-blog it.

“Lets start with the virus. Hey Donnie its terrible, why are you saying its over?”

“Because we have the best testing. If we didn’t test so much we’d have less cases.”

“Our mortality rate is high”

“Well, I have a travel ban. We have the lowest mortality rates.”

“That’s not true.”

“I heard we had the best mortality rate. KAYLEIGH! Fake news.”

(shockingly decent explanation of why hes lying)

“So Don, the virus is out of control and there is no plan. Do you take responsibility?”

“Some governors did well, some did badly, what about the ventilators? Everybody gets a test. Too much testing.”

“Its not the tests. The virus is exploding.”

“Its young people who have the sniffles. They’re better in a day. We are the envy of the world on testing. Other countries don’t even do tests. Show me the death chart. It came from China.”

“The whole EU has 6,000 cases.”

“They don’t test.”

“The head of the CDC said its going to get worse. Do you agree?”

“I don’t know. Nobody knows.”

“Why would your administration discredit Fauci?”

“We’re not. One man doesn’t like him. (Proceeds to bash Fauci)”

“Your WH is obviously bashing him.”

“Fauci was fine at the beginning (bashes Fauci more).”

“Sir, you’ve been wrong about this at every turn. What the hell?”

“I’ll be right eventually.”

“What’s up with your mask bullshit?”

“People need to have freedom, I don’t agree with the doctors.”

Ok thats only 10 minutes, I’m tapped out. I tried.


“many many whites are killed also” is an interesting defense of the status quo