The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

For some reason, I feel like it should be changed into the Winn-Dixie/Kroger Effect for him.

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Can someone give me the cliffs of the chiefsplanet response to the Chris Walllace interview. I can never find anything on there that Iā€™m looking for.

How did the MAGAtards spin that as a great interview for Trump?

Inside Trumpā€™s Failure: The Rush to Abandon Leadership Role on the Virus

WASHINGTON ā€” Each morning at 8 as the coronavirus crisis was raging in April, Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, convened a small group of aides to steer the administration through what had become a public health, economic and political disaster.

Seated around Mr. Meadowsā€™s conference table and on a couch in his office down the hall from the Oval Office, they saw their immediate role as practical problem solvers. Produce more ventilators. Find more personal protective equipment. Provide more testing.
But their ultimate goal was to shift responsibility for leading the fight against the pandemic from the White House to the states. They referred to this as ā€œstate authority handoff,ā€ and it was at the heart of what would become at once a catastrophic policy blunder and an attempt to escape blame for a crisis that had engulfed the country ā€” perhaps one of the greatest failures of presidential leadership in generations.

Inside Trumpā€™s Failure: The Rush to Abandon Leadership Role on the Virus Inside Trumpā€™s Failure: The Rush to Abandon Leadership Role on the Virus - The New York Times

Chris Wallace is a cuck commie loving fake news democrat and everything he said is a lie.

Never been to CP but Iā€™m confident that is correct.


Aaron Rupar brought up a good point about how Trump didnā€™t advertise this interview at all. It was pre-taped and he always tells his followers to watch him on Fox News. He didnā€™t this time. The silence speaks volumes about how happy he was with how it went.

This whole thing is mind boggling.

Why did Trump agree to the interview? Even he knows Wallace isnā€™t sympathetic. And why is Fox even airing it? Theyā€™re going to lose ground to OANN as Dear Leaderā€™s #1 outlet.

The best weapon is the one you never have to use

Seems like others got to the bottom of it already, but Iā€™ll pile on. I looked into the Primary Model a few weeks back when some idiot posted it on Facebook and crowed about how the fake news wont cover the truth.

It is a shit model. It looks at just NH and SC primaries and determines the general election odds based on the percentage each candidate got in those two states. Trump got ~95% in both as he ran basically unopposed IN nH and SC straight up cancelled their primary. Biden did poorly in a crowded field in NH, and didnā€™t start to do well until everyone cleared out for him to win SC.

The primary model is worth less then a can of goya beans at a San Francisco vegan grocery store.


I donā€™t think Bidenā€™s got the election in the bag by any stretch. I donā€™t even buy into the Riverman theory that Trump can only win by cheating, although of course he will cheat regardless. But this model is honestly one of the dumbest things Iā€™ve ever seen. It models the general on the early primaries, which in this case were uncontested for one party and with five main contenders for the other.

In his writeup that you link to, the author shows no reflection on the fact that his model predicts a statistically impossible outcome: Biden with < 180 electoral votes. Deep blue states would have to swing 15 points toward Donald Trump for this to happen, a laughable proposition in the modern era. Big wtf @ proudly publishing this.

(Pony ldo, but I had to post, because this made me mad)

He crushed SC before they cleared out. Itā€™s why they did.

Right, had my time frame flipped. Itā€™s been a long few months. The overall point still stands.

We all are. To this day, Dunning is still trying to convince everyone his point is that we all suffer from this, not just arrogant morons named Trump or RiskyFlush.

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IIRC from what Iā€™ve read on it actual experts in fields actually underestimate themselves.

Also I donā€™t think I fall into it. I regularly say Iā€™m dumb as shit in anything I donā€™t consider myself really good at. Here I almost always defer to other people I consider well educated on the subject. Like I go with @DanSpartan anything covid related.

I think most liberals fall into it way less because we always defer to the experts on shit.

Edit: Although many of you, RiskyFlush especially, are guilty of this when it comes to rating movies.


Watching the full thing now.



I even tell my students that I donā€™t know everything about the subject I teach. I mean why bullshit them? Theyā€™re perceptive enough to see through it. I maintain that their generation is smarter than all previous generations and that some of them are currently smarter than their teachers.

Itā€™s one of those things where the more you learn, the less you know because you begin to find out about information that you didnā€™t even know existed in the first place.

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The pivot is coming. And it always will be.

He thinks heā€™s smart and makes lots of good points.

Rats off a sinking ship.

haha the Dr. Fauci is an ā€œalarmistā€ quote comes from Chris Wallace holding up a Ben Garrison cartoon


I believe you are both conflating arrogance with Dunning Kruger and thus making the parallel confusion that the antidote for DK is intellectual humility. Dunning Kruger merely says that we cannot accurately assess our competence in unskilled areas. Come now, this obviously applies to you. To accept that Dunning Kruger applies to anyone is to accept that it applies to everyone.

This is not mutually exclusive from also having Imposter Syndrome, or at being poor at the skill of self assessment itself regardless of your actual skill in any other domains.

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