I definitely don’t think it was a plan initially. I think people just told him that mail in voting is bad for Republicans or that suppressing it would benefit him or something so he started to rail against it.
While I agree he will do those things and that they will all happen like that, I think its more of a coincidence it plays out like that and he just hates it because he thinks it’ll be bad for him.
Although anyone officially in his admin is really, really stupid, I bet there are some really smart people behind the scenes willing to help because they want to continue not being taxed and have no regulations and be able to fleece the US.
Yeah, this seems right -really the best a win for Trump was to try a neverending roadshow to some get every last one of his rubes and thread the needle like 16 -but he’s so got no actual political operatives left, his now basically embarrassing daily on TV, he’s so one showing up for anyone less than for true believers, and I think then a them are losing interest. A alot of right voters are checking out, with a big group of an them just warn out. Simple exhaustion, Coved and the schools may or not starting nothing that Trump has no control ever (a problem that if he any sense he would avoid, so of course he stick on his dick at least every 2 weeks or so because he can’t help him self. Barring some sort of Biden disaster, it’s close to overall - but were gonna have the nonsense until October and people have to agonize politics. McConnell would snap call Gingburg "retire) and toss the senate and house. - The dems might be enough go for it. But Trump has been made enough enforced errors over and over - I’m going to bet on him continuing
One things for sure, nobody will ever get to run for president again WITHOUT being aggressively investigated by the DOJ.
If there’s one thing I’m quite certain history will judge Obama for it’s not coming down on Trump like a ton of bricks in 2016. They knew the Russians were trying to help him. They felt that it was worth the risk to avoid tarnishing the appearance of our Democracy. That didn’t work out so great did it?
There’s been a lot of this. Democrats have been more concerned with the appearance of doing the right thing than actually doing the right thing. In the future our leaders need to be as clean as Obama. If you can’t meet that standard don’t run for president.
In other news I think we need to pay our politicians a lot more money. I’ve been trying to figure out how to attract a different type of people to politics. I think assuming you aren’t going to change capitalism in some major way that means paying them like NBA players and demanding a crazy level of ethical guidelines that are rigidly enforced.
I’m confident in my ability to tell the narrator that John Bolton won’t have a role in either of the next administrations no matter who wins. It’s one of the only good things I’m sure of.
One good thing is I think literally nobody believes a damn thing coming out of his admin other than true believers. Like he’s whinning about Obama committing treason and NOBODY gives a shit but cult members. So I think everyone will dismiss any October surprise as obvious bullshit.
like even my conspiracy loving dad shrugs off half the shit Trump says now.
I don’t like Obama but I feel like it was a tough spot. If Obama had come out and said Russia was cheating to help Trump and Mitch said thats a lie and Obama is trying to interfere with the elections to help Hillary, who was already hated, do you really think it would have helped?
Or if you mean actually do something, what could he have done and how would it have helped?
At least one of the top most phenomenal and amazing FUs to democratic government happened before the election. McConnell saying FU to the Merrick Garland appointment was really the end of any semblance of following the rules for the GOP. They will invalidate the election if they have any plausible mechanism and the numbers in congress and the SCOTUS lets them. I have more faith in the SCOTUS than congress/Senate, but I’m not sure what the police and military do when congress and the executive are telling them one thing and SCOTUS says another. Whatever happens I wouldn’t expect a Republican Senate to EVER remove Trump under ANY circumstances.
Not that I think this is >50%, but Trump probably has to lose by a pretty decent margin in all the swing states we need.
If Obama came down on Trump and Hillary won, the Dems would be in a much worse position than we are now. Hillary would have been impeached and removed over the email bullshit.
Don’t agree. There would still be a Dem president who could handle foreign relations, trade and pandemics without shitting himself. If the Dems lost the next election, well it probably wouldn’t be to the fucking dimwit we have now.
I think the police would support Trump and the military won’t. I posted the exact figures before but going off memory something like 85% of police officers were Trump supporters and like 44% of active duty military members were. Also seems clear the Military refused the Trump admin to be involved in the protests. I think most of the top brass HATES Trump.
Though I think the most likely scenario is the police support Trump staying in office and the Military sits it out regardless of what the Supreme court says.
Ok just read an interview on a german newssite with a guy who has a primary model and was right 24 ot of 26 times with the prediction who becomes president. Since its in german it wont help u much but I googled him and one of the first results was: http://primarymodel.com/
He predicts that with a 91% percent chance Trump will win. So now please tell me this all just a joke.
Apparently he predicted a trump win with a 87% probability in march 2016.
You would need a swing big enough to take seats that were considered safe Democratic in 2018, assuming no non-Republicans vote to remove Hillary. Basically, a scenario where states like California are in play.
I think any previous models are shit because this election is unlike any other by a huge margin.
in regular circumstances Trump would be a huge favorite to win, but his model does not take into account Covid + super high unemployment + everyone being miserable.