The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

America is so much greater now because of the DOW JOANS and the NASDAG. Haven’t you guys heard?

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“Beautiful World Wars that were vicious and horrible”
-God Emperor Supreme Alpha Mega Genius Donald John Trump


The only explanation for Trump doing this interview is his own people sabotaging his re-election.


They’re all morons. Not one person with a 90+ IQ anywhere near the inner circle.


Someone tweet at JB and get him to do the Superman reveal with a t-shirt with 93 on it in slow motion and a big ass smile at the end…

No one is trying to sabotage him. This is what he is.

The only difference between the orange performance in the Wallace interview and the incoherence from 4 years ago is the state of the country. He was just as feeble-minded back then but as deplorables were doing relatively well at the time they saw what they wanted to see. He’s still puking out the same songs, but being a known quantity now having made the lives in Deplorableville (and everywhere else) worse, fewer people are singing along.


Anyone who contradicts Trump is ousted. Anyone who thinks they know better than Trump is ousted. That’s all the sabotage needed.





Ouch. This one hurts.

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Why wouldn’t they just vote by mail? Thats available in all the swing states right?


the feds control the post office which has to be shut down, sorry

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Who wants to tell him Columbus never set foot on ‘America’?

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What would you set at odds wise? It sounds crazy but we’re living in a crazy time line. They have a Trump loyalist in charge of the USPS now right?

If I remember correctly you get your ballot like a month out right?

I mean 100% of Trump supporters would completely be on board if Trump just goes " too much voter fraud by mail so we’re shutting down the USPS until we can figure this out " until after the election.

well depends on the state. The all mail states where a ballot is auto shipped to you are all lock democratic (except colorado but that’s reasonably safe at this point)

Others you have to request it in advance but many you can provide whatever excuse you want and get one–but I know people procrastinate and don’t know you can’t just do it last minute and well I don’t know how many that’ll be. (especially among say college kids)

Odds wise, no idea, in trumpism I think of all sorts of weird shit like this even though he’s dumb and lazy so he might not think or care enough to do it. He seems more interested in insisting it’s all invalid.

The polls don’t ask one thing–how many people are willing to risk dying to vote for the candidate and no matter who the dem was this is a battle Trump is ahead.

The truth, of course, is that anyone with a shred of future EV left the administration sometime around what John Bolton (who is crazy as a shit house rat and has zero chance of ever getting another important job anywhere ever again) called ‘the Ukraine Drug Deal’.

Only the biggest no-hope no-future lickspittles and complete drooling idiots remain. The conspiracy theory people think that the plane is being flown by an evil cabal of monsters… but the truth is WAY scarier. Nobody is flying the plane. It’s been on autopilot for at least 40 years and now what was previously a slow decline in altitude has begun to speed up…


Did he call him the n word or the other n word? The first blip I saw had him saying “negro”.

He was offered a job in the Biden administration