The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

That he’s senile


Trump should run campaign ads modeled on Bill Cosby’s 80s Jello commercials. There’s always room for R-a-c-i-s-m!

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The context is that he is a racist senile dotard who wants to create a violent racial divide in America. What better way to do that then show random clips of Hispanic/black/other people violently fighting. This one has the added bonus of him claiming that masks and distancing are only important to make a statement.

The context is that he spends his day watching these random Twitter videos.

The context is that he then shares them with his millions of followers.

The tweets he directly makes that the bot posts itt are crazy. He retweets many times more than that and most of them are insane.


As soon as the SC decides whether Trump won. Their credibility is on the line.

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Let them deduct cake.


So I guess the Royal Tennis Courts are complete?

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Coasterbrad pretty much nailed it with the racist part. It’s demonstrating that people of color are “thugs” or “animals” who can’t resist violently whaling on each other in public, and this is why there are “very fine people” on the KKK/neo-Nazi side. When the average Republican/Trump supporter/racist sees that video, they’re thinking some very disgusting things about all people of color.

But then Trump can just say, “These radical leftist Democrat socialists are nuts! I never said that!!! Your favorite president is the least racist president ever, they’re the real racists!”




I saw Kudlow on a few interviews this past week. Wow is he a disaster. How can they possibly think it’s a good idea to have him as spokesperson.

Its amazing that Trump keeps insisting on this meals and entertainment stuff. Its such a window into how small his brain is and how stupid he is. He has a free pass to do all the corruption, with all the powers afforded to him by virtue of his status as president and his functional immunity from his own party, and he’s focused on a small-time nonsense like juicing F&B revenue at his hotels.


Honestly the reason why I’ve never in my life believed that Donald Trump was an actual billionaire is the sheer pettiness of his imagination. If I had 100M liquid and his intelligence briefings I could be pretty spectacularly corrupt before it was obvious I was corrupt. Donald meanwhile is bilking the tax payer for hotel room upcharges. He does not seem capable of thinking about the frankly crazy second or third order business opportunities that great wealth and advanced information could create.


Those might cover a small percent of non-maskers. The rest are just utter ■■■■■■


He’s probably the best the have left on the bench. When your team sucks you still have to send someone up to bat


I am also claustrophobic and have PTSD. Chessmate, maskholes. Guess I never have to wear a mask.


Less than 4 points to go for 36!

  1. Set up a “blind trust” for your assets, and have set rules such as, “buy the fuck out of the stock market if it drops > 10% in two days or less. Buy the fuck out of the following stocks and short-term calls under the same criteria…” Make this a list of stocks that would be crushed by tariffs on China.

  2. Announce absurdly high tariffs on China.

  3. Wait two days.

  4. Lift threat of tariffs.


That’s super unsubtle too. You don’t even have to go that far. You know stuff about macro numbers 7+ days before everyone else from context. You’re in conversations about regulatory actions lol. There is a lot of super super tradeable information flowing through the Presidents desk that doesn’t require him to change anything to profit from.


Do we know this kind of stuff isn’t happening? We don’t know what his assets are, right? I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s some of this going on even if his main grift is charging US government employees $17 for shitty martinis.

The man doesn’t read so it’s not happening. Other people around him certainly are, but he’s pretty definitely too stupid. The guy can’t read something, interpret what it means to the larger world, and bet accordingly. If he was capable of that COVID would have been handled totally differently.