The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

If someone posted their exact tweaked response to them, would they get it?


They would get it about as well as they got me responding that if this was literally any other issue or circumstance the post would be about how the rules apply to everyone, including you and no safe spaces and sucking it up, snowflake.

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Hereā€™s something to keep you hesitant


NPR this morning reported that the GOP wanted to change the federal unemployment benefit so that it paid 70% of what workers made when they were working. This was seen as a compromise. It is also completely unworkable given the horribly outdated systems the states are working with and how particularly impossible it would be to implement wrt tipped employees.

Well I just got a news alert that the GOP now wants to drop the $600 weekly benefit to $200.

Iā€™ll post a link when I can find one.

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So much of that chain Facebook post Namath shared is just amazingly contradictory or stupid, but this might take the cakeā€¦ This, coming from Trumpers?

Just be kind* ** *** **** ***** ****** ******* ********.

.* Unless the other person is black

** Or brown

*** Or Asian

**** Or female

***** Or non-straight

****** Or transgender

******* Or not a Christian

******** Or liberal



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My assumption was that he said he was doing it, despite nothing having been discussed or arranged with the Yankees. (Maybe before the press briefing he told Mariano "You know what would be greatā€¦if I threw out the first pitchā€¦and Mariano said, ā€œWow, yes sir, thatā€™s a great ideaā€, and he went with it).

Then after announcing it, they checked with the Yankees, who said, ā€œEhā€¦no thanksā€, thus leading to Trumpā€™s ā€œcancellationā€.


He only wears Copper Fit socks on one leg.


Have seen a version of this going around before, itā€™s one of the better ones. I encounter a lot of great ones in the wild, if you guys like that oneā€¦ whoo boy thereā€™s a whole pandoraā€™s box of these chain mail derp posts. It seems like chain mail is their preferred way to communicate.

I donā€™t get it. Whatā€™s the significance of what looks like a random fight amongst drunk people?

Edit: I mean to the Trump thread, not to life in general. Are those people famous or something?

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The significance is that Trump retweeted it. He made it an official White House Statement. Shortly after claiming he is too busy dealing with Covid to throw out a pitch. But he clearly has time to tweet videos of violent black people attacking king each other.


I suppose that is the point. It is unhinged for the POTUS to be retweeting what is essentially a Worldstar video.

They couldnā€™t even get Clint Eastwood talking to a chair? Sad.


So weird that everyone has no problem wearing underwear and pants/shorts in public. Youā€™d think hat some of these people would have trauma that would entitle them to just whip it out.


When is 538 going to publish their election model?

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Wait, what? What was the context of him tweeting it?

tomrh3 was just giving us a sampling of what the extremely busy POTUS was retweeting yesterday.

Trump retweeted 46 things yesterday and is at 36 retweets so far today, working hard!