The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

I sure feel better knowing that hundreds of thousands are so fed up with the way things are that they took the time to like a Taylor Swift tweet. Wow. So inspiring. Positive change right around the corner imo.

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Wet blanket


Taylor Swift will not be eligible until 2028 election I believe, could be wrong it’s close between that and 2024. She’s 31 in December of this year


Can’t we turn that frown upside down?

Yeah I mean in a vacuum, make fun of it… But we’re seeing major protests in numerous big cities, and every one that I’ve seen so far has had more white people than I’ve ever seen in these types of protests before. It feels like the tide is starting to turn. I’m not saying this is going to be the time that makes all the difference, but it feels like the depth and breadth of anger is growing.


Yea I mean maybe 1% or one tenth of a percent that hadn’t done anything about this issue, do it after seeing that tweet. Or more likely maybe thousands that see that tweet knew nothing of this case and now do, every little bit helps

Mainly, I’m hoping Taylor Swift gets very involved this election cycle. If she does, that’s huge. You know how many impressionable fans she has in rural PA+MI+WI? Like if Taylor Swift tells young women who love her music to go vote, some of them will… and we don’t need that many.


My wife is a huge Taylor Swift fan, and I can confirm she shared that tweet with me. A lot of people are borderline obsessed with her. She straight up owns the entire basic white girl demographic.


Looking forward to AOC/TSwift vs Donald Jr./Kanye in 2024. The VP debate is going to be awesome.


Im’a let you finish

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Agreed here too, there is no downside to her tweeting this and I know she did before the 2018 elections and who knows how much it helped but I’m sure it wasn’t zero


1.1 million likes now too


C’mon Karma


He seriously screamed China and just walked off lololololololol

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Taylor Swift was big time behind Phil Bredesen in 2018 and he got obliterated by Marsha Fucking Blackburn.

I don’t think she’s as big an influence as most of you do.

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No one is saying she’s single handedly turning Tennessee blue or anything. She has followers all over though and all I said was every little bit helps.

If I remember correctly her tweet about Blackburn was too late for people to even register to vote for that election.

You’re saying this because you didn’t have good seats to the Reputation tour. Trust me on this one. The pull she has on her fans is pretty damn real. Maybe not enough to turn TN blue, but if she could she’d be one of the most powerful people in the country, and I’m not suggesting that lol.

EDIT: I’m already anticipating a real struggle to get my wife to turn out to vote for Biden. She’s pretty sour about him being the nominee and is basically convinced that he’s screwed, and that we live in Texas so she shouldn’t have to debase herself. I’m already expecting argument 1A to be ‘taylor swift told you to, which would be a good way to explain why you did it for your grandkids in the labor camp’.


It’s definitely not a negative and I give Taylor Swift credit for speaking out knowing she’s going to lose fans and money.


Are Kanye stans going to be motivated to do the opposite?