The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

If it’s anything Twitter will sue and win an injunction. Legislatures do the laws and all that technical stuff.

What they should really do is just delete his account and then offer to return it if he agrees to abide by Twitter rules. That would lead to an awesome blowup where Trump switches to the white supremacist Twitter competitor, with ensuing luls for all.

Seriously, the dude will be a bad memory in a year. Twitter doesn’t need him and deleting his account now would be like preemptively throwing away food just before its expiration date. The GOP will memory hole DJT like a bad hookup. (“Trump, you say? Didn’t know him that well. Wasn’t he a democrat?”) It’s not like he’s Taylor Swift. He’s a one and done.


The social media proclamation is going to be worthless/toothless grandstanding. Obviously.

I don’t think that’s even legal.



They should obviously just ban him from twitter. That will never happen ($). So we will get the worst outcome - he gets to continue basically without any restriction (like 5 Joe S. murder tweets remain) while also playing the victim.

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Yep. Fact-checking a tweet. Doesn’t get any crazier than that. Can’t wait to see the big action.


This is going to play out the same way it did on 22 when Juan and the rest of the imbeciles would complain about some minor moderation action nonstop until management relented. Twitter will occasionally provide a content warning to some of his tweets but basically won’t actually stop him from tweeting bullshit all day and all night.

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American experience in PBS just features the guy that developed the F scale for tornados. He was in primary target town in Japan that got spared due to cloud cover the night Nagasaki was bombed. He ended up being a BFD in weather and particular storms and tornados. Worth a watch.
( twitter | raw text )

The modern world basically has yet to come up with an effective way to combat shameless assholes.

If you’re in a negotiation and you’re willing to break the rules, lie, lie about lying, bribe the refs, bribe the people who pick the refs and all the while cry about being a victim, you’re going to win even if you’re a complete fucking idiot.

I’ve seen a lot of articles lately about the left needing to rely on the rule of law in order to protect it. I think that’s basically total bullshit. When the opposition is this evil you just have to win at basically any cost then punish the loser to such an overwhelming degree that Trump 2.0 never runs.


Honestly think the 2 they did yesterday are the last 2 they do, ever.


Now I want to listen to “Hurricane” by Bob Dylan. I think I will.

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No guys, THIS TIME the mega rich people are good


Trump is executing a wild eyed fish bluff with his proposed Twitter attack. Twitter is the one avenue he’s been able to use to speak directly to his supporters. Cue the narrator but there’s no way he follows through on this threat. He needs Twitter.
( twitter | raw text )

He will claim some absolute right to post his messages to ensure Americans get info from the president or some shit.

Is he threatening to shut it down? I assume he’s talking about censorship and making Twitter as fair and balanced as OANN.


Tiffany’s moment has finally come

Good catch. I jumped to conclusions there. The shitshow has become so standard, I just assume the worst outcome at this point.

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Something like this would be a good use of a fact check. Just label the link something like “It is a lie that Trump appointed 260 new judges”. Link will be to some article with the real number.

Tilts the shit of our Trump and even a Trumpkin would (?might) have a hard time defending Trumps outrage.