The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

His hack press secretary would just claim he was joking and the chuds would slurp it down like they always do.

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right like he could probably still say “i am a racist” and then claim his microphone missed him saying the word NOT just to own the libs.

yeah trump comes out and says he is a racist and fox applauds him for admitting he has racial biases unlike the dems who can’t admit that they hate white people.


I’m in disagreement with all of those groups and tribes who still use it but I am just one person among many who feel the same way. I’ve had a number of conversations with people inside tribes about it over the years and I’m pretty sure the main reason it’s still in heavy usage at all is because of apathy.

And again, I said white people using it that way is casually racist. There are often political motives for indigenous people who want to use it despite knowing better. It’s almost a given that people who use the word outside of an official name who are white just don’t give a s*** about the implications of it aka casually racist (often unintentional, and usually older people). Someone like Trump doing it is intentionally racist and the same goes for any white person who uses it despite knowing better.

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( twitter | raw text )

First Nation people is most accepted.

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Not Penn State. Don’t disparage public universities. He wen’t to the University of Pennsylvania, a private school, where you can buy your way in.

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wait, who is charging him? Is this the Mueller will save us type of shit again?

Yes dems think more people alive in november would be a good thing. It’s ridiculous this is apparently a super polarizing idea.

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The venn diagram of people who insist on calling indigenous peoples of America “indians” and actual racists is a near complete circle.

See: mason’s insistence on using this term everywhere in his shitty history book

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( twitter | raw text )

USA#1 lowest Fatality (Mortality) Rate in the World!


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He never faced any charges.


Allow me to quote myself a few times.

The article on John Burgoyne credits an article on “encyclopedia,com”. Yes, that is a comma in the URL. Note that while the title of this article refers to Native Americans, Mason prefers to use “American Indian” in his text.

Bruce Catton’s Terrible Swift Sword was credited in a previous chapter. It was not credited in this one, despite a quote being used from that book. Even then, the book changes the word “tribesmen” to “Indians”. Mason seems really attached to calling them “Indians” in the same way that Trump likes to toss around “Wuhan flu”.

And, of course, goofyballer did some heroic work transcribing Mason.

And, you know, there’s problems with the American Indians, I guess they’re now called Native Americans, but over time they gradually got under the umbrella of people.

For these tidbits and more, go to this thread:


I’m not sure why everyone is ignoring the most insane part of this tweet.


In a longer view, part of the fallout from this is that I know myself and my wife will never vote for a Republican candidate, for any office, for the rest of our lives. I know there are many people in my generation who this is true for. There’s more that needs to be done, but when is the last event in our history that a party permanently lost the vote of an entire generation like the GOP has?


Your point overall stands but Penn State should forever be disparaged for covering up for a pedophile for years. That program should’ve received a multi year death penalty for how absurd the entire handling of that case was and the University’s belief that FOOTBALL was more important than protecting youth in the community from a serial child rapist.