The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Jeff Sessions says hi.


So keep digging and turn over grand jury info? I don’t understand.

maybe he means to subpoena the central figure in the obstruction of justice charges for testimony?

Ignoring the fact that the first half of this sentence is pure hogwash, I see that it is now 60 days later and we have beaten COVID-19. Trump GOAT.


Move on it like a bitch, Donald.

Yeah. Mail-in has to pretty heavily favor older homeowners.

OK, I’ll give it another day or two to let some hero step up; otherwise, I’ll unveil an OP that befits our pathetic choices.

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If anyone is interested in jolly olde lolengland our slightly defective trump mini me clone is trying to gaslight an entire nation in order to save the job of a man whose head looks like karl pilkington crossed with a lightbulb. If the “fuck you that’s why” cheat code works this time then there’s nothing it can’t accomplish and we’re in real serious trouble.


This is like OANN turning on trump.

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We need the Biden feigning surprise at Bernie reaching toward him during a debate

Can’t find it atm… :pensive:

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Holy shit
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Like I know this is a semi-regular thing. But we REALLY shouldnt just be eye rolling and move on from the fact that the POTUS in official white house communications is citing Brietbart and buying into conspiracy theories. How is this normal?

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I’m calling it right now. There are going to be a handful of concerted efforts to get in a bunch of fraudulent votes in by mail. They will all be done by republicans.