The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

The more people who vote the less likely it is the Republicans win. That’s why they make it harder to vote.


I mean, this is literally not possible given how numbers work. Like are people who died coming back to life? No? Then deaths aren’t going down you dumb fuck. But it’s a lock the derposphere will echo this like gospel.

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So all you have to do is grab some ballots from mailboxes, print up thousands of forgeries and “force” people to sign? And the elections office would be none the wiser? Good to know Donnie has it all figured out. If its so easy to rig elections, one would think Republicans would be doing it more, wouldn’t we? It’s amazing how he just pulls things directly out of his ass and expects to be taken seriously.

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Cool! Let’s re-open America:

•The White House should resume tours to the public.

•Trump should interact with untested visitors.

•Paul Manafort should return to prison.

•Ivanka and kids should ride the subway.

•Fox News should broadcast from their studios.


Honestly the whole enthusiasm/crowds thing was always a ridiculous measurement to me but I believed for awhile because it gave me hope Bernie would win because of that. All that matters is how many people are going to vote.

Enthusiasm to vote against someone will be the highest in history.

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No one tell Narrator to comment on this one

I have a $100 dollar bet against trump 2020 with wireless bro from like 2 years ago, I’m freerolling it now after i bet him another 100 that Comey won’t go to jail in 2020.


I like People Re-elect Obama or PRO

Trump supporters are obviously the biggest marks ever when it comes to gambling. I remember some bum gave me even odds on whether the dems would gain seats in the house or not.

( twitter | raw text )


Can someone better at it than me make an OP for a Trump v Biden thread?

The Clinton/Trump SHOWDOWN thread in 2+2 was started after like the first week of May in 2016, I believe, so this feels about right, timing-wise. I think we would obviously keep this thread and continue to use it for Trump’s tweets and presidency discussion but we could use a specific place to post Biden gaffes, unskewed polls, media outrages, etc.

I can/will do one in a couple of days if no one else has (unless people think it’s a terrible idea), but I know mine will be lame and it will be a missed opportunity.

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I suggest that Infact you’re a prime candidate to make a thread for them, as you’ve given reasonable responses to criticism of your posting in the 2020 thread.

I’ll help you with some photos etc… And can post them to hear 1st before you go ahead and start the thread.

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Awesome. This is already probably better than what I’d have come up with. Need more Biden looking like a deer in headlights, though.





It’s extremely hard to photograph a jackinthebox during a Pandemic :laughing::laughing::laughing:^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^797124765299318784|twgr^&


A Biden v Trump thread def needs elite memes and jiffs

( twitter | raw text )