The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Grunching, but that’s not really true. He was never down this much in polling averages and across battleground states to Hillary. There were some outlier polls, yes, but he was never down in the 10 point range nationally as an average.

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Imagine if any state who hated Trump could just invoke a quarantine before his arrival.


LMAO at Carville, “I’m a big admirer of these Never Trumpers…the Lincoln Project people… they just get up every morning, every time you call a Democratic consultant, they’re on a conference call. Get off the conference call and do something! These guys don’t do conference calls, they’re out there attacking!”

Crazy possibility here, but if a justice dies between like September 1 and the election, and some pivotal election issue goes to SCOTUS, we could very easily get a 4-4 tie and have the lower court decision upheld as a result.

PA: 3rd Circuit
MI: 6th Circuit
WI: 7th Circuit
AZ: 9th Circuit

As of late 2019, and it can only have gotten worse, the GOP has an edge on the 3rd, a big edge on the 6th, a massive edge on the 7th, and the Dems have an edge on the 9th. This would be the absolutely most painful way to lose the election… @Narrator

Reminder: there is literally nobody enforcing campaign finance laws.

It’s pretty clear that none of these people have exes in Texas or oceanfront property in Arizona.


Imagine there’s no Donald,
It’s easy if you try…

Just kidding, it’s really fucking hard.

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That just means that 49% are getting super owned when he loses the popular vote 66-33 but sneaks through with an EC upset after releases a model with Trump winning 99.9% the night before the election.


14th July 2020

No, seriously… :grimacing:

Phew, thanks you.

How am I kidding, I’m not a Euro anymore

If a justice dies between September 1 and the election, Mitch McConnell is 100% ramming some 47 year old nutjob through the senate confirmation process.

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:point_up_2::roll_eyes: Err… WTF :flushed:

Brings Assange’s ties to Russia into a more defined light

So tRUmp was OK with American troops dying to keep his kompromat under wraps.



Having the entire country under military lockdown on Election Day will certainly favor Trump.

See you all in camp. Think they’ll kill us all in one place? Or regionally? May only get to hang with the northeasterners during our final days.

For your journey into hell let’s play $0.50/$1 limit while we wait


I know not what currency we will be gambling with in WW3, but I know we will be gambling with sticks and stones in WW4.


At least make it NL. What, it’s going to kill you to play some no limit?

Limit poker isn’t hell?