The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

What happens to the universe when the Dow passes 25000 for the 25000 time under trump?


The same thing that happens when Trump hits 50% approval for the 50th time


In case you were still thinking about going to restaurants.



He’s not, he’s DFL :roll_eyes:

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A reminder that DC becoming a state requires a constitutional amendment.

Pretty crazy. His district is Trump +31 over Hillary. Here’s a beauty from the Wiki.

His trajectory on Obamacare is pretty funny too.

Here’s another gem on Yemen.

In case you’re wondering how this clown even gets elected as a Democrat, it’s because he’s chair of the House agriculture committee, and directs billions in subsidies to his own rural district. 100% naked corruption.

One more heartwarming quote from the Wiki.



For those who want to save a click, this is the entire Wiki on the Second Amendments. “Bipartisan”

The Second Amendments was a bipartisan conservative rock/country/country rock band, all of the members of which were also members of the United States House of Representatives. It featured Representatives Collin Peterson (DFL-Minnesota) on guitar and lead vocals, Thaddeus McCotter (R-Michigan) on lead guitar, Dave Weldon (R-Florida) on bass, Jon Porter (R-Nevada) on keyboards, and Kenny Hulshof (R-Missouri) on drums. The band broke up after the 2008 elections when two of its members, Hulshof and Weldon, retired, and Porter lost his reelection bid.

The name is a reference to the United States Constitution as well as a previous band of Peterson’s named the Amendments. The previous band broke up after their gigs became partisan with some members wanting to play at the Republican National Convention.


I think I could forgive his awful policy positions if he produces some kickass country rock.

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The bill that the house passed would shrink DC to be basically the National Mall and create a new state out of the rest. This doesn’t require an amendment.

It also has -zero- chance of passing the Senate, and D.Trump has already said he’d veto any such law.

The boundaries of the proposed new state would encompass the district’s residential and business areas, but would exclude the federal monuments, the White House, the Capitol Building, the United States Supreme Court Building and the federal executive, legislative and judicial office buildings that are near the National Mall and the Capitol. Those excluded areas would then serve as the District of Columbia and would remain under federal oversight.

House votes to grant statehood to District of Columbia - ABC News

Just a hunch, their music probably sucks shit.


You only get to pick two.


Strongly disagree. Neil Young has a fair amount of country rock. Gram Parson, etc.

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Yeah, i thinking along the lines of up-tempo modern guitar country. Stuff like neil young and CCR are obv legit, but i wouldn’t consider them country. However, i have yet to watch the ken burns doc on country so will provisionally withdraw my claim.

What’s the argument that DC becoming a state requires a constitutional amendment?

A federal district is called out in the Constitution. To entirely get rid of the current federal district would require that part of the Constitution to be amended.

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It’s the rope a dope. We all know who the dope is

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538 disapproval now at highest point in the past 2.5 years and 1% from all time high