The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

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Can’t wait until he is out of office and goes on his apology tour/rehab tour.

As played currently with leaving peacefully, yeah I think he dies before anyone actually manages to get him convicted. Particularly since they are going to try to do it 100% clean. If he digs in his heels and refuses to leave office I think nobody has any idea what happens.

It can when this fellow is about, and I hear Pence is a fan!


I think trump believes the polls are actually fake. He was down similarly against Hillary and hes an idiot who 100% doesnt understand how polling works. He legit thinks this is liberals fucking with him


Why are they bringing back the WH virus briefings? No tests, no cases. No task force briefings, no corona. That’s just logic.

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( twitter | raw text )

Birx put up graphs that are mostly rudimentary at best.

Jfc people there is nothing as acting to early when dealing with exponential math. By definition by the time it’s obvious it’s way too late and the next 4 weeks are baked in at horrible.

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10 years for breaking a statue seems about right.

What a fucked up country.


Good luck getting that conviction. Those 10 are going to have excellent legal representation.

Seems like that graphic should be touched up with pictures of trump, pence and the rest of his caste of fools.


I dunno, he seems pretty dejected and is already admitting that he is gonna lose…

I think that is what we are seeing in Texas and Florida I think it goes back to Mother’s Day the exponential factor hides the truth in the early stages and then next thing you know it has massively spread. Then dumb governors try to shut the barn door.

As a sports bettor I find it very hard to get my head around probability in elections (though it didn’t stop me from having a flutter). A hypothetical rerun of that election 100 times the same day would probably get near enough the same outcome each time, unlike sports events or random events.

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I think looking at the election proper is like looking at a sporting event only on the last play.

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Pence really has nothing beyond “freedom of speech” to justify Trump rallies that defy all guidelines his own task force suggests.

Yeah this Trump tough on crime law and order schtick is bad, especially when he starts crusades against vandalism. I assume he is just ignoring the reality that the overwhelming majority of the country has huge issues with law enforcement.

He wants to be a full blown authoritarian dictator so badly. He wants to elevate his followers as the ruling class and oppress the people even harder.

We would have military parades in DC every week. We would also have them at the site of every KAGA rally, which would also be held at least once a week.

Infrastructure week would mostly focus greatly expanding the number of prisons Political dissidents/ the media/ anyone who makes fun of Trump for any reason would receive long prison sentences handed down by an administrative task force.

Police departments across the country would be expanded and their budgets doubled. The military would be in place to impose Marshall law at a moments notice.

A new law enforcement team called the Peace Force, who dress in all red assault gear, will be placed across the country. They will report directly to Trump and take action against anyone on tv who annoys him.

You get the idea…


This doesn’t even qualify as satire unfortunately. It’s reporting.


I remember it as Nate was 30%, one of the other big ones, was 15% and almost everyone else was 5%.

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Unless its an Emmett Till memorial.