Well, i saw some lawbros testifying before Congress today abuot the rule of law being undermined. Your concern doesn’t so much seem to be about the law and courts as the extent to which dispshit politicians and their voters and flacks undermine the rule of law.
Who represents law, Trump and Barr or the 80 professors from his law school and 1500 or so DOJ lawyers criticizing them? The “law” was used to impeach Trump, politics saved him.
Grunching a bit on the lawbros rants but I actually like being a lawyer who doesn’t give a fuck about the trappings or the law itself. I can help some people who almost all deserve it and I can find value in that. Yes I am a lowly bankruptcy attorney but who gives a fuck, I get to prevent the scumbag corporate and payday lenders from getting paid. Hard to feel better about something than that these days.
Lawyers are a huge scam but the law schools are the real culprit. You could easily learn what you need in 1 year instead of 3 and then the profession wouldn’t be full of dumbfuck douches who think they are smart because they can read and write.