The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

(First guy being facetious I think)


How could anyone else have managed Covid differently if in Trump’s spot? Can’t see how anyone would be different.
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I dunno guys, I feel like the case was pretty airtight, and the vote was egregiously political, as it happened.

Not necessarily arguing for one approach (focus on Ukraine only) vs. another (throw everything at the wall), but in a pre-Trump world, the impeachment that happened would have ended the president.

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John Tesh

Objectively better than the Drumph Klan rally:

ETA: Top YouTube comment: “This should be jesus’s theme song when he comes back”

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For real, the only statues I have any emotional connection to are the Columbo statue in Budapest and the woman hitting a Nazi statue in Sweden. Tear the rest of them down, who the fuck cares about your statues in 2020. Tear down all the statues, I just don’t care right now.



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Pat Oliphant’s statue of Angelina Eberly is a keeper imo.

In December 1842, Houston ordered the secret removal of the archives of the Republic to safekeeping in Washington-on-the-Brazos. Mrs. Eberly, realizing that the symbols of national government were being removed from the city, fired a six-pound cannon into the General Land Office Building, arousing the town to what they considered theft. The ensuing conflict became known as the Archive War, which was won by the Austinites, preserving Austin as capital of Texas and keeper of the archives.

I don’t even know if or why that was important. She just seems badass.

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I can’t even.

This statement alone should be enough to disqualify him from consideration from reelection in the minds of voters.

And yet…

Not sure why anyone wouldn’t like this statue.

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Amazing, yet completely unsurprising:

After a Black Secret Service agent explained the significance to the President - and after Trump polled his orbit to find no one who had heard of Juneteenth

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This is fine.

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And here we go