The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

I decided yesterday to get involved in the comment section of a post a deplorable made on FB. I had abstained from doing so for 2+ years but couldn’t resist any longer.

Jumped in again today when he blamed last nights embarrassment on the nasty dems and AOC specifically. I explained that Trump is the laughing stock of the world and that this was the work of k-pop fans who are good at organizing.

His response: “what is k-pop? Is it some sort of Korean Twitter like platform?”

These boomers are just so unaware of the world, unable to think critically or do an ounce of research, are so terrified of the radical left, and are the absolute biggest hypocrites of all time.


Yeah, they have cheated in every election I can remember. I don’t understand why people don’t understand this.

They cannot square their internalized vision of America as the best and most respected country in the world with its descent into a banana republic. When you say Republicans cheat at elections, fire people responsible for investigating their crimes, and appoint wholly unqualified family members to key government positions they just don’t believe that can be true. To them that sounds like stuff you hear about on the news about some shithole African country they’ve never heard of before, not the Shining City on the Hill.


It starts by normalizing a process that is rigged to begin with. Try pointing out that he didn’t actually win the 2016 election to see what this looks like.


Yeah this is the whole ballgame. He’s not going to win in anything resembling a fair contest. I’m extremely worried about what happens when he tries to delegitimize the results and refuses to leave the WH. His AG is all in on winning hard enough to write the history books. Just about the only thing keeping me sane is the certainty that he’s managed to piss off every non-appointed power player in the federal government absolutely including the military.

In the history books this era from 2008-2020 where the GOP totally refused to allow the Republic to function as intended and follow the will of the people is going to be seen as the biggest governmental crisis since the Civil War. I honestly have no idea what the political landscape will look like in 2 years.

I just hope that we figure out how this was allowed to happen and fucking fix it. It’s abundantly obvious on a daily basis that the way we do it now is wildly unsustainable. The way we’re handling coronavirus, climate change, and wealth inequality is nowhere near any of the possible solutions to any of those problems.



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Yes it is, though Trump’s instinct will probably be to become even more extreme and inflammatory if he feels he’s not attracting deplorables in the same numbers.

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It’s got to be a parody hasn’t it? The british tea was one thing but sugar and squirty cream in eggs is another level.




A friend of mine went on an exchange to the Netherlands, the family was excited to cook her a British breakfast on the Sunday as it was apparently a tradition there. So Sunday comes round, she sits at the table and is served first of all a glass of lager.

Obviously she says what is going on? The Mum of the family is confused. Seems the Dad who had lived in the UK for a while in his youth had convinced her that a beer was an integral part of how we start the day. Poor bloke’s years long ruse was rumbled.



Giving a record number of hearts to the Trump tweet was funny, but this truly deserves to eclipse that. That kid (and the parents who raised him) are amazing.


At least a year or so ago, maybe 2017.

The idea of a thing is often much better than the thing. Trump united 45% of ignorant 2016 voters in their idea that Clinton was corrupt and government was easy. It’s as if Joe Blow on Sunday got voted in as NFL coach after saying how much better he would be, and now his contact is up for renewal vs a replacement level guy who has a few playoff wins.


President Ralph. A sequel/reboot that can still star John Goodman!


Not enough lols in the world. If you want a pick me up, read about Trump’s no good rotten day:

Also in addition to 6 staffers, 2 secret services agents tested positive for the rona.


Not a lot of presidential tweeting this morning for some reason.


I mean I hate these idiots as much as anyone but they probably had a blast. Camping out with like minded individuals, drinking, BBQing, hanging out etc.

You see these idiots camping outside of Trump rallies all the time and a big part of it is they love it,

Like if there was a Bernie rally and there wasn’t a pandemic and a bunch of Bernie supporter were camping out for a few days I’d love to go, smoke tons of weed, BBQ, meet some lovely pro bernie women, maybe drop some acid. Good times.

But yeah they’re complete morons doing it during a pandemic and several likely got the rona and will die. But camping out with like minded individuals is dope.


Lack of tweets partially a result of interference by protesters