The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

16,000? only if 6,000 of them were pregnant.


So, in case anyone wants to know how the next couple of days are gonna go: We’re gonna hear a lot about how TikTok is owned by the Chinese and the Dems are cheering on this kind of hacking/foul play and so Joe Biden is now (somehow) working with the Chinese to manipulate elections. Maybe no one will try to say it al in one sentence like that, but that will be the muddy takeaway they will be shooting for.

I can see the future.


This is true but let’s just enjoy tonight.

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Also, thanks for the fun thread. I’m happy that I got to just read through the “rally stuff” with my coffee this morning. Good stuff.


The bottom line is all that BS clearly isn’t working as well as it did 4 years ago - if nothing else than because people are fickle and get tired of the same spiel. Trump is Abercrombie and Fitch in 2015.

They may still vote for Trump, and want him to win. But the rabid enthusiasm seems to be gone. This is a very very good thing.


Where the hell do you live - the Azores?

ha, no. Prague. Yes, I got up late. (I did stay up a bit too long watching some of the warm-up acts).

Footage of Mimosa watching the rally

tenor (6)


In honour on Trump’s greatest achievement as president and the only thing during his two hour speech last night that whipped his fans into a frenzied chant of “4 more years” I vote we change our thread title to,

The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Successfully Drank Water.


So you had your coffee, 4 or 5 cigarettes, and a few sausages?

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Can anyone who watched the shitshow confirm that he spend the first 15 minutes defending his water-drinking and ramp-walking?

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Not the very first 15 min. He started on a couple of other things first. Maybe started on that topic 5-10 minutes into the speech.

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Yea people comparing this to 2016 simply are not paying attention. Trump gained momentum as 2016 went on. That’s not the case here. If Trump was competent, he could rally up supporters. But he’s not. He’s digging down and alienating everyone except his core MAGA base. And a lot of voters who couldn’t stomach voting for a woman will have no problem voting for Biden.


It was significantly longer than 15 min.

No unhinged toilet tweets yet? Little tiger must be all tuckered out.

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A not insignificant part of it is that it’s supposed to trigger us. If they figure out that we’re sitting at home laughing our asses off at them, they’ll probably be pretty demoralized.

Yeah, give or take. It’s worth watching that part.

Holy crap man this is amazing.

I really am so jealous of people who have good parents.


He followed up with a tweet mocking Sessions as being so desperate for his old job back to suck up to the guy that belittles him.

But otherwise lol_preet

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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: You can lead a two-legged centaur to water, as long as there’s not a ramp involved.