The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Okay, I’m out. This is just too boring even for background noise.

Agreed, the ramp shit was pretty insane but if he’s back to the prompter I’m done.

Building up to the close. “We’ll make our country rich again. We’ll make our country strong again. And we’ll make America great again. Thank you. Thank you.”

The implication behind all this talk about doing good for black people to a bunch of white people is that black people are supposed to be grateful to white people for all that they bestow. The black grifters that reinforce that get rewarded while any self respecting black person who dares criticize it gets lambasted as ungrateful. It also reinforces the race hustler bit. If white people are already doing everything for black people, the black people who talk about racism and just trying to leverage white peoples good will to take more than they deserve.


The stream is lit when it doesn’t lag out. Wish I was there.

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Posting again, new live stream link

Things definitely escalating with 1k or so BLM on the streets.

Lol check out drudge main page.

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Trump did adderall or straight meth. I’d be eating a buffet by now off coke lines.

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For the lazy:

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Does not make sense. People told me all those right wing protests were about wanting to go back to work. They could have slept on the sidewalk at any time.


For the really lazy:


When did drudge turn on trump? I thought he was a garden variety right wing nut.

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He started turning on him hard when the news about him pressuring Zelensky started to break, he completed his heelturn when Trump went after Drudge over his readership.

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I think there is a pretty firm ceiling on how high profile the firing and replacing of one US attorney can be. Moreover, the Dems couldn’t capitalize on it anyway. They’re just too ineffective.

If the last few years are any indication, the new guy would get put in place and within a couple of Scaramuccis all is forgotten.

Looks like I can just do it now. These are 1, 5 and 15 minute averages. Current full capacity is 4.

The main issue for these big live events is all the database writes from so many comments being posted all at once.


It’s not about the upside for the dems, it’s about the fact that there is no upside for the republicans. They don’t have to vote no. They just have to not hold any hearings on it till after the election. I mean it’s almost July. That’s not even long by the normal standards of how long it takes to appoint somebody these days. Why on earth would they bring it for hearings now? Again, this isn’t a judgeship. This appointment nets the republicans exactly jack shit except for possible controversy in the news cycle.
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