The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

The bet here is “Can Joe Biden do a pushup” because there is zero chance Trump could even come close. If you lay him down I don’t think he’d be able to get back up ffs. Given the opportunity to bet on whether Trump can do a pushup I would put every cent to my name and all the money I could possibly borrow on “no”.


O/U on Trump push ups is 1.5

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lol snap under.


The bet is zero or more than zero.

Thing is that nearly able-bodied person can do a single push up. Trump can definitely do a single push up. Question is can he do another.

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Trump will do zero or one, will then get up and declare how beautiful and amazing the ten pushups were that he just did even though you just watched him do zero and half the room will agree with him and no bets will be paid out.

( twitter | raw text )

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Nah. It’s pretty standard for older folks to not be able to stand up on their own after falling. Even if they’re not injured and they can walk ok.

Biden could just insist on all of the debates being live at 7pm EST, and recorded in the Pacific/Mountain time zone. No sundowning… Have them in Phoenix, Vegas and Denver.


To the extent that things matter, Presidential debates are decided by a commission rather than negotiated.

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Trump would do like half a pushup with shit form and then spend the next year talking about that time he cranked out 100 pushups on stage and all the military guys who are the drill sergeants at basic training came up to him with a tear in their eye and said, “Sir, those were the 100 most beautiful pushups we’ve ever seen, sir. Nobody has pushup form like you, sir. These kids, 18, 19 year old Marines, sir, you’re stronger than they are, Mr. President, sir!”


Trump is not able-bodied though. He is quite overweight and claims to never exercise (other than golf).

A push-up is about 65% of your body weight. Trump weights at least 250, if not way more. Seriously doubt that he could bench 165, even once.

I’d also say that in general, I question whether an average 75 YO can do a push-up.

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(shamelessly stolen from a previous twitter thread)


Having just finished reading the piece you’re full of shit. Biden has gotten much worse in recent years and that article specifically says stuttering doesn’t get worse with age. It doesn’t even begin to try to explain away the worst and most embarrassing Biden gaffes.

And, of course, if Obama tried to blame forgetting which city he was in on a stutter people would laugh at him because it’s transparently ridiculous. But it’s obvious that Obama isn’t a senile blowhard like Biden so he doesn’t have to try to cover things up with obvious nonsense like that.

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Someone who can play a round of golf is able bodied imo.

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“My campaign hasn’t started yet” it literally started like the day he was sworn in he’s been doing rallies and shit the entire time lol


There are different kinds of gaffes. Forgetting which city you’re in when you’re president and you’re traveling around constantly, and may not have flown into Baton Rouge (the normal Air Force One probably can’t land there), is in a different league of gaffe than, “We hold these truths self-evident, uhh, you know…”

Not being able to do 2016-1776 in your head on the spot and rounding it off is not the same as mixing up your sister and wife on stage.


Rolling around in a golf cart from one hole to the next != exercising playing golf

I mean it’s not exercising, sure. But I’ll stand by that statement: if someone can play a round of golf, even with a cart, they’re able bodied.

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Of course they are different but the point is everyone makes mistakes when giving thousands of speeches and I’m not so full of hatred for Biden, or confident in my own expertise on stuttering, to be able to so clearly claim his gaffes are dementia.

It’s simply feels like projection and bigotry.