Yah, that would be the answer then I’d be banned from ever showing up again.
You forgot to mention that it’s a very nasty comment.
Is this seriously what he’s been referring to?
That’s an 8 on the trump scale. at least
Also hoping so see: A president Trump in the Nationals races—He will always try to cheat but get caught and pelted with peaches.
Shake Shack is the best chain restaurant burger in LA - which is depressing since it’s from NYC.
Donald Trump’s frequent, very frequent endorsement of the Confederate flag is the issue we care about most here in Ohio’s diners. We hate how he’s always out there waving Confederate flags about.
The fuck is that Ben Garrison-esque cartoon?
Benjamin Wittes he still pops up from time to time on MSNBC and of course PREET I assume (Preet’s cast is no longer faved ldo) but his cred obviously suffered tremendously when he got Mueller’ed.
The nail in the coffin!
Fake news, Grant was never sober enough to ride a horse
Yep, I think that adage breaks down pretty quickly when getting older does not also mean “acquiring more wealth.” Which it decidedly does not for the younger generations of today.
The last documented case in history of self-weighted variance.
Best wishes,
I dont know if itll necessarily be true for the younger generation if they accrue wealth. I am a millennial and have significantly increased my income and savings in the last few years. I dont really feel myself becoming more conservative. If anything, more liberal, as I realize more and more I did not really do much to deserve this.
I do have one friend who is a Trumper now who was a lifelong Dem before. I’ve talked about him before. He and I no longer speak. He had a stroke a few years ago and is confined to a wheelchair. I had not seen him in years before that (we live in different states). I had written him off and cut off all contact beforehand he had his stroke. He also had no health insurance when it happened, though he’s Medicare age now. Last I heard his wife died recently of breast cancer. He’s still a Trumper from what I understand. But in hindsight he was always a bigot and Obama as president never sat well with him so Trump came along at exactly the right time.
I have one other thread who’s full-on kool aid Trumper too now, thinks Covid is a government plot to take our freedoms, cultist to the max, watches Fox News constantly and listens to talk radio when he works ( truck driver). But he wasn’t really anything at all before.
But those are the only two I can think of really.
I’m a Millennial with money and I will never, ever, ever vote GOP for anything. Ever.
Apparently he was an excellent horseman and made some fantastic maneuver in the Mexican war.
Yeah the thing with Trump is he picked up a decent amount of conspiritards who weren’t very political before. I mean they aren’t a significant voting block or anything but they definitely exist. A couple came out of the woodwork from my past as well. Never heard anything political from them before at all but then suddenly they were talking about george soros and the clinton foundation.
I think a big part of it is wanting to be " woke " and going against the grain and feeling smarter than those around you.