The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Just seeing this news, WOW I never in my life expected that, never.

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Makes for quite the contrast, doesn’t it?

At this rate, Al Sharpton will be handed the Democratic nomination later this year.


Liz Warren’s VP chances are falling


I cannot wait for this race relation speech.

Tough time to be a racist.

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He goes on tour in 9 days so if he is going to do it he better get on it.

I hear ya. The negative is always what enters my mind first. Probably need a psychologist to overcome that.

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I’m hoping he does it, it’s lose-lose for him… and if Stephen Miller writes it, it’s just going to fucking inflame everything even worse - which will be blamed on him.

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I could even see it start off alright, then the base renaming sends him off on a tirade. It’s going to get there somehow though if he does it lol.


( twitter | raw text )

I had to look this Vigano guy up and now I’m wishing I hadn’t.

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I read it.

(I hate religion so much)

Hey this isn’t the airport, no need to announce your departure… :sob:

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they lost nascar too

This is gonna be the new “Keeping Christ in Christmas” culture war isn’t it?

you had a good week and you blew it mitt


Today in “conservatives don’t understand the first amendment,” outrage that HBO has “censored” Gone With The Wind.
