The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Can’t wait for Trump and Pence to display Confederate flags at a race in protest


There was something on scrubbing racist movies. I read it on a Czech website. So it’s making news.

Didn’t read but his Wikipedia is up to date:

On 7 June 2020, Viganò released a 3-page letter describing the 2020 Black Lives Matter Protests stemming from the Killing of George Floyd as a Biblical struggle between “the children of light and the children of darkness.”[105] He argues that the children of darkness are the “Invisible Enemy of all humanity.”[106]Moreover, Viganò argues that riots are orchestrated by the children of darkness to serve the “purposes of those who would like to see someone elected in the upcoming presidential elections who embodies the goals of the deep state[107]. Viganò goes on to denounce Catholic Bishops who’ve expressed support for the protests, saying “They are subservient to the deep state, to globalism, to aligned thought, to the New World Order which they invoke ever more frequently in the name of a universal brotherhood which has nothing Christian about it”[108]

Someone pointed out the lower case c in the NASCAR press release. Of course NBC news tweets it out and uses a capital C.

I read this as race retaliation speech. I’m not wrong tin spirit.


I can’t see it being much else. Secretary Barbie would only say there were injustices today and would not at all go along with systemic racism.

HBO is Constitutionally required to have All movies available at All times as per the first Amendment. Sad!

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So Trump is having his first rally in Tulsa on Juneteenth. You can’t make this shit up. That’s gotta be Miller’s idea.


No, you are the one that is naive. The military and secret service will throw him out on his ass if he throws a fit.

Having to make a concession speech or shall I say LOSER SPEECH b/c landslide loss to Sleepy Joe will be humiliating. As will his court date within one month of his leaving office in SDNY.

It’s dead Reagan’s idea…

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Tulsa, home of the Tulsa Race Massacre. Hard to say it is a coincidence.


I mean, this is way beyond a dog whistle. He may as well give the speech in a white hood with the eyes cut out.

It is close to impossible for me to fully internalize it but Stephen Miller is an actual white supremacist. That is such a laughable and absurd thing to be that I haven’t really taken it seriously, which, shame on me.


No rational politician would start their comeback tour in Tulsa. It’s 100% Stephen Miller wanting to do it on Juneteenth in the city where the worst racial atrocity in the last 100 years occurred.


And in a state that’s never not 100% going Trump this year even if he loses Ala fuckin Bama


NASCAR banning the Confederate flag feels like a watershed moment to me. Never expected I’d see that within the next 20 years.


It’s a lock the next nascar event will be filled to the top with “freedom loving” people wearing and carrying the confederate flag. Trump will tweet wide support.


They know they’re losing and Miller is going to set fire to everyone and everything on the way out.


I really hope this is right. Part of me feels like it’s another Me Too or something and they’ll just wait it out and be back to status quo eventually. Look at the March on Washington and events that led to the Civil Rights Acts. That shit was being fought by (some of our) grandparents. And yet here we are again…


Is this before or after Trump has 3 months to tell Putin everything he wants to know between Nov 3rd and Jan 20th?

Lol if you think this is gonna be a peaceful transfer of power. He is compromised by Russia. Not to mention NY State is planning to charge him once he’s no longer President.