The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Looking forward to this speech on Race and Unity more as each day goes by.


Powerful Bases!

Audio is even better

Ah yes, those forts named after Confederate generals who fought to protect the institution of slavery and lost are all part of a history of “Winning, Victory and Freedom.”

And I assume this is a leaked excerpt from that race speech?

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“The President was asking questions.”

The President of the United States has the right to JAQ off whenever the fuck he wants.


Kaylie was not looking her best today, sad.

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Its rough out there with these uppity, uh, urban reporters HARASSING the Press Sec with questions. Questions!

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“It’s a stunt and a phony poll to cause voter suppression, stifle momentum and enthusiasm for the President, and present a false view generally of the actual support across America for the President,” read the letter, signed by the Trump campaign’s senior legal adviser Jenna Ellis and chief operating officer Michael Glassner.

Such a fucking toddler.


God, I can’t imagine what it’s like to be able to go through life just calling anythjng that contradicts your views or interests “phony” or “a lie” and never face any kind of serious consequences for it.

It’s probably awesome.


Oh, I’m sure. As someone who lives with severe depression for nearly inverse reasons, ie I think my reality is much worse than it actually is and believe all the negative stuff my brain and others concoct about me, I’m super jealous.


the confederacy are the only losers trump likes

states rights (to own slaves)

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I often wonder if Trump is unhappy. I find it deeply unfair that the absolute worst people use their awfulness to escape consequences and seemingly feel zero guilt, while good people are often crippled with unjustified shame. It sucks.

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Of course he’s unhappy. He lives in perpetual discontent.


He’s definitely miserable right now. He didn’t really want to be President. Now he has all this responsibility and pressure (not that he really does anything, but those things are still there) plus more (deserved) scrutiny and hatred than anyone on the planet and he doesn’t really get to enjoy his wealth.

He will be absolutely overjoyed when he loses the election except for the fact that he lost.

Has the old man actually denied using a scanner to jam police comms though? JUST ASKING!!


Whenever I hear about General/Fort Bragg this is what I think of.

Anyone under 40 have any clue what this is?


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Same. It’s called being stupid. Dumb people have unlimited confidence with zero fucks given and zero self reflection.

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