The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Florida has every natural advantage besides super low population density to slow the spread of Coronavirus. They’ve been working hard to get the # as high as it is.

Florida currently is in an exponential phase.

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I don’t care if this is fake or even created by McLaughlin & Associates, just put it straight into my veins

Say what you want about the Lincoln Project, they are pretty clearly way more effective than any DNC / establishment group at trolling and baiting Trump.

Also liberals have actively campaigned to get these people better, more affordable healthcare and not only was the response “over my dead body”, they couldn’t even make the smallest personal sacrifices during a deadly pandemic to keep everyone around them safe. At some point I was capable of empathy for all people but those days are gone; if it’s a battle to the death they want then bring on the rallies.


In FL, the numbers don’t really matter. Linear growth, exponential growth, whatever.

The only thing that will matter is when the hospitals get so overloaded that doctors are telling large numbers of olds to stay home and die there because there are no vents left (which honestly are pretty unlikely to change the outcome, but that’s a separate issue).

Until that happens FL is doing fine. It doesn’t even matter if we see that they are on a clear trajectory to get to above scenario. Until they’re actually at that point, FL government is going to say “Everything is fine, we’re open for business”.

Above is true for lots of red states. Better run ones might try shut down a little early if it looks like it’s coming, but even many of those will react only after it is too late to avoid a lot of death.

The eDems are more interested in preserving their own sense of superiority for themselves (“when they go low we go high”) than they are interested in taking down Trump. I know that sounds insane at this point but their actions speak louder than words. The complacency of the establishment is a key ingredient when brewing up some fascism, and here we are.

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It also helps when you can completely ignore snow birds from your numbers. Got COVID but from NJ? Sorry, that’s a NJ number, Florida is A-OK! *Hooks up to ventilator for 6 weeks in Tampa"

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Bragging about getting 8% of the black vote.


“They used to call me an 8, that’s good right?”


Y’all are killing it in this thread the last 24 hours. I’m cry-laughing reading some of this shit.


Cost of doing business

Trump got 8% of the vote with a 10% margin of error. So it’s conceivable he got -2% of the vote.


That’s some Scott Steiner math. :+1:


Just after that she went into Mittens greatest hits and says Romney said 47% of Americans are on welfare and the government has a responsibility to take care of them.

It reminds me of when my daughter would tell me about idiots bullying her at high school. They would say stuff like “oh you’re one of those girls with blue hair” and say it in a condescending tone. I would listen to her and when she was ready for feedback, I would say okay, but aside from them saying you should feel bad about having blue hair, what’s wrong with what they’re accusing you of? Nothing. In fact they sound like idiots. Don’t give them the power to make you feel bad about something you love.

It’s sort of like that with Trump attacks. It’s like okay, even if that were true, why would a person feel bad about taking care of people who need government assistance?? But she says it with such confidence that people will assume that’s how they’re supposed to feel.


Just like happened in California over the past 20 years? People don’t change much, society does.

By the same folks that said demographics were solved after Obama won in ‘08?

Please, please oh please.
RMG= Rasmussen btw.


Rasmussen has Moscow Mitch losing??? I’m going to print this out, soak it in water until it disintegrates and inject that shit straight into my jugular.