The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform
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Fuck Big Jim.

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When do we start seeing these people say they don’t want his endorsement? Do we ever?
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There’s a point that I raise now and then and will mention again. People talk about 4 year elections as having the same electoral pool as the prior election. They don’t. About 2.8M people die every year (likely somewhat more this year), and around 4 million turn 18. Even if everything else is held steady, there are new voters (whether 18 y/o’s, or say 30 y/o’s “aging” into voting) and older voters “age out” of the electorate. These new voters will be more educated, “browner”, and less religious. Now, it’s not a huge change (and lots of things break 60/40 or even closer), but it’s not insignificant. So when an election will be close, the results will inevitably be different (all else being equal) even with only a minor shift in the underlying demographics

The day Trump won in 2016 his political people should have thought: “if this same election happens in 4 years, we lose, so we should do: x, y, z.” That’s if Trump and his people are rational agents, which they aren’t, and assumes he can be guided, which he can’t.

Hell, probably one of the things that most irritates me about Trump, when he has a policy choice that is both preferable and in his rational self-interest (don’t pull funding from WHO, don’t do unannounced troop withdrawal from germany), he often does the opposite, seemingly just to put people on tilt.

Anyway, as talking heads begin or continue to discuss the 2016 and 2020 electorate as exactly the same, remember that they are not.


You saying he’s not man enough to defend the #2A??

Donny’s gonna tweet himself into a tizzy and be all tweeted out come August.

These endorsement tweets are the least likely to actually come from his fat fingers. He couldn’t name half these people 5 seconds after the tweets are sent.

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Ronny is the alcoholic who ran the White House pill mill and diagnosed Donald with “good genes”


X = Suppress minority votes
Y = Seek foreign assistance
Z = Claim voter fraud and dispute the election


(and bilk the nation for as much as we can as quickly as possible)


I saw that earlier. Only a real simp would like that tweet.

One guy has exhibited leadership in a time of crisis, the other guy had thousands of peaceful protesters violently assaulted so he could scurry from his bunker to take a picture.

Lack of role models must be a real issue for deplorables otherwise they would never worship Trump.

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It’s obvious every dem is in a zero win situation with that topic.
In the trump era though, hoping it all goes away and everyone moved on to something else by next week is a valid strategy.

polling now has trump on the ropes but we don’t know what the main election narrative is gonna be yet and clearly that one benefits him.

Because of the way he mass produces these endorsement tweets it greatly reduces their ultimate impact as people see them coming and just ignore them.

Keep up the good work sir!

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Are we sure Trump wants to win in 2020? You can’t convince me he wanted to or expected to win in 2016. They were focusing on launching his cable news channel and had zero pages ready for transition!

He’s one of them. He’s the dumb coal roller and the guy goes around telling vegetarians that he’s going to eat two hamburgers just because of them.