The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

I don’t know what melkerson means but I swear I have heard it commonly pronounced ma-rish-ka for her first name.

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He means the last name. Compare the suggested pronunciation against the actual last name if you’re just sounding it out loud.

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My god it’s full of lies!

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People in power lying can be very dangerous indeed.



Name: Colin Luther Powell

Born: April 5, 1937, in New York City

Profession: Army general, retired

GW Bush Administration Position:

  • Secretary of State, 1st term

War crime charge(s):

  • Crime against peace – planning and carrying out a war of aggression.

  • Despite stating in Feb. 2001 that Saddam had not developed “any significant capability" regarding WMDs, and despite intense behind the scenes arguments about the accuracy of WMD charges, Powell made the case in front of the United Nations for a United States-led invasion of Iraq based on Iraq’s possession of WMDs.1


Released 18 months ago (holy shit…make that 22 months) and is now on Hulu. Trailer looks fun. I always fear these things are the left’s version of a Dinesh D’Souza Hillary’s/Obama’s America documentary. Have to assume nunn did the sound editing on this (kidding, but possible).

Predictable. This is Trump’s best shot at re-election. Try to make the campaign about Dems wanting to abolish/defund the police. Forces a wedge issue on Biden. If he comes out for completely defunding or abolishing, Trump wins like 35-40 states, if he doesn’t, he loses some of the black and progressive vote.

Pushing forward with “Defund the Police” is a horrible, horrible tactical error on the left. So obviously it’s what we’re going to do.

My guess is Biden ends up coming out for additional funding or something stupid like that.

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Powell is obviously a ghoul but the more Republicans that abhor Trump is a good thing.

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Imagine being the kind of person who is impressed by this tweet:


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If you were really friends you’d call him Lady G.

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I agree that PA looks decent, but if it’s a “lock” Trump has a very narrow path. He’s recently campaigned in PA.
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