The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform


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Yes, Nancy, it is. And your complicity is a part of the reason why.


Prediction: trump will do something extra dumb today in response.

The odds of Obama doing anything that isn’t ultimately detrimental to the cause is probably close to 0%. He will both sides it and further legitimize the already popular argument that the protesters are doing something wrong.


damn, I wanted him to pardon himself without the rubes pointing straight to something dumber like this rather than the other shit he’s doing as to why.

well we were all wondering if someone would stand up to him and someone just did (even if it lol doesn’t matter when he gets fired).

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2012 polling was too far GOP, in 2016 polling was too far DEM, 2020 ???

Well… umm… it has been years since that was proven pointless.


Absolutely no excuse for Pelosi failing to impeach Trump!

"Good evening. We face extraordinary challenges as a nation today, but they are not insurmountable. Just as we weep for George Floyd, we also weep for a generation of midwestern steel workers who no longer enjoy the bargain th…(THROWS REMOTE AT TV)


How about for allowing the entire executive branch to ignore subpoenas or for voting to extend the Patriot Act?

Hard to see Trump carrying AZ when McSally loses by 15 points to Bald Biden.

I’m going to take a chance and predict that Obama will have little to say about looting or anything negative about the protests but will instead focus on Trump’s effort to make the U.S. a military dictatorship.

Those cornyn numbers are very mcsally numbers.

hope it was all worth blowing being in the US senate Beto…
( twitter | raw text )

Here’s hoping you are right and I am wrong.

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I love Ijeoma. This is a thread that deserves to be read in its entirety.


Thought this was a parody account lol

I don’t know I would think at least Andy Jackson and Reagan were also black.

Might as well be a parody since he’s going to lose by tens of thousands of votes

There wasn’t even a Republican on the ballot in 2016, and in 2014 they managed to lose 84.3% to 15.7%.

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