The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Not so fast! There’s still a Steve King serving as the US ambassador to the Czech Republic.


This has the potential to escalate to some serious Highlander shit.


This is a bad use of polling.

The tweet cherry picks the states from the poll that are bad for Biden, but ignores that the same poll has him up 3 in FL, up 2 in MI, and up 1 in NC. So even this poll overall had Biden winning the election.



Ah but you’ll recall Barr said antifa-LIKE tactics


I’d rather cherry-pick bad polls that show Biden losing than the opposite. We’ve gotta keep a sense of urgency regarding voting. And voting out the authoritarian monster is only the first ever so tiny step, if we want significant structural change we are going to have to keep people engaged long past electing a D to office, we have to make them listen, which is fucking hard.

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I guess next Trump will start calling people liars when they say they got shot by police.

Fake news. Those are shots of the Freedom Vaccine.

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Such a ridiculous argument. Are the protesters supposed to stand around and sniff to see what type of gas canisters are being thrown at them? And again, if the protests were “violent” as Trump claims they were, why would he be so sensitive about using tear gas?

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Nadler moves to sanction AG Bill Barr.

-Will seek to strip his personal office budget of $50M

-Will have a hearing with DOJ whistleblowers & former DOJ officials


And you can tell that these aren’t scheduled tweets from the President because they’re all about live television!


Pretty sure they did that. At least one reporter (may have been a cnn guy) claimed he smelled tear gas.

Should also be zeroing out DEA budget for them improperly participating in law enforcement actions against protestors

So not out of the realm imo

Right? Like Amber Heard explaining to Johnny why he couldn’t count her physical violence as assault eek

The tweet that finally got the account suspended was the president’s message following the George Floyd protests: “These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!”

Dang. How long until they ban the bot ITT?


the human body really is fascinating. the way trump abuses his body with charred steak and big macs and candy in bed for several decades. he’s said he believes people have a finite amount of energy and has purposely avoided exercise, even driving his golf cart onto the greens out of fear that too much walking will hurt him. now he’s in his mid 70s and is under the most stress of his life, probably more stress than 99% of people when you consider he’s a narcissist and the whole world hates him except for the dumbest most unclassy segment of middle america, the part of america trump has never wanted anything to do with. and there’s a sword of damocles hanging over his head because he knows he can be exposed as not being a billionaire and potential financial crimes being discovered and all of that stress for 4 years straight hasn’t given him a heart attack or stroke or anything, it’s amazing.

people who go to the gym: how dumb do you feel? heart attacks and strokes are obviously random. even karma can’t control it, it’s fully random.


Those were just canisters of Halloween fog. A little pricey at Party City, but worth it.


Poll does seem to be way off the consensus. Anyway, this shit is ultimately meaningless and it’s probably better if voters don’t see it at all lest they get complacent. Hill had several polls in September and early October putting her up 10-12 points in PA, then #s started dwindling rapidly as October moved on, suddenly the #s were showing Hill up only 2, a couple even had it a tie or Trump up 1.

If several polls from less than 5 weeks before the election were off 13 points, then who cares what they say at any point, much less in June.


Eichenwald deleted that tweet? I can’t find it.