The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform


Funny how black people don’t seem to agree.

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Obviously he can’t say it, because these tweets aren’t meant for black people, but white people who think black people should be obsequiously grateful to Republicans, but not mentioning Obama and just barely, barely, by force, having to mention Lincoln is just lol


I’m like 90% sure this has already happened


It’s totally this. Trumpers accept an alternative fact based reality where Dems are the real racists for pointing out that they are racist, etc. This is just a fictional narrative for people who have no problem with holding the beliefs that a) they’re not racist and b) all urban black males are thugs that deserve to be shot.

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Ted Cruz making a late push for second most hated person on my list. I will celebrate the day he no longer holds office, however it may come.

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This is why everyone should ignore national polls (yes I know I’ve posted them):


eh thats a C- poll, likely garbage.

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Sounds more like a description of Pence tbh

Wow esper is so fired. He is essentially resigning live on tv right now. Lol.

Bring back “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?”.


Nice. And this just above it.


S&P 500 is up almost 12% over the last year and NASDAQ is up over 30% in the last year. Not to mention the gains the rest of his term. For many of his voters that is all that matters and for the rest he gave them literally gassing, beating and firing rubber bullets at POC. He is doing exactly what his voters want.


That argument requires people to have the self awareness and grip on reality strong enough to make that assessment. Many Trumpers are worse off and loving every minute of it be because they think their imaginary enemies are even worse off.

Well at least they haven’t got the :cherries: on top. :shushing_face:

You ruined my cake (markets) collapsing metaphor.

Lol I jumped the gun. He ended up not apologizing or saying anything bad happened. It’s all “under review”.

Putin’s dream outcome is something like having Trump declare himself president for life. But he can’t count on that and he has to exploit him to the greatest extent possible in case Trump loses the election. Putin’s not getting on the phone with this idiot just to shoot the breeze.

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