The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Primaried from the right?


It seems relevant to point out that Dorn was 77, long retired from the PD, and worked at the pawn shop where he was allegedly shot by looters. Trump wants you to think the looters are all radical Antifa terrorists who are targeting cops.

( twitter | raw text )

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Lol yeah, but now the GOP can say they got rid of the one and only racist in their whole political party.

The plan was for us not to have a standing federal army and rely on state militias instead. That plan was also bad, obviously. It’s not an easy problem!


lol i thought i was joking


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Feenstra’s spiel was that King wasn’t Trumpy enough.
( twitter | raw text )

AFAICT, The Founder’s plan is working flawlessly.

They wrote a program that reverts to authoritarian oligarchy automatically.


Okay…so Trump is contending that even in cases of “violent” protests, his forces are refraining from using tear gas? Makes sense.

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“They liked me. They really liked me!”

What a pathetic, impotent, sad little man.
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no that moved out of new york last year

The defense rests on:

  1. a distinction between “tear gas” and “smoke canisters”
  2. a claim that the crowd was throwing projectiles including bricks
  3. a claim that the smoke canisters were used only when protesters “became more combative, continued to throw projectiles, and attempted to grab officers’ weapons”

Never mind that journalists on the scene strongly dispute all of this, Trump has been saying for years: “What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”

fwiw, I think it’s because king lost his commitee assignments, feenstra got to run on king’s not helping trump because of that.

Right, the Federalist propaganda he’s linking to simply takes the police statements as gospel and lists dozens of examples of journalists who peddled the “false” story about tear gas and peaceful protesters (because they’re politically-motivated liars ldo)

The entire narrative the media glommed onto in lockstep was that Trump was a monster who tear-gassed peaceful protesters to do something meaningless. None of that was true. But it took a day of reporting to get the truth out, long after the lie took hold.

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Well, Hamilton and some others wanted a standing army but it was controversial.